In case you forgot for a minute that the left lives in a mindless, fact-free fantasy world, the Guardian is predicting Florida will soon be underwater.
Rising seas: ‘Florida is about to be wiped off the map’ | Environment | The Guardian
Actual data from Florida shows no change in the slow rate of sea level rise over the past century.
Sea Level Trends – NOAA Tides & Currents
The beach at Fort Lauderdale looks exactly the same as 55 years ago.
Not much indication of panic at Miami Beach.
People on the left (including many prominent climate scientists) simply make things up, refuse to debate, lie to policymakers, and attempt to force their insanity on the rest of the world.
Read more at Real Climate Science
Florida Submerging as as rediculous as Guam Tipping over like some Democrat idiot claimed
Florida to submerge ? If that was the case why would bankers lend to anyone in Florida near waterfront ?
I like the above Richard 111 analysis and his question…. why don’t alarmists ever show their math ?
They don’t because publications like the Guardian will print what ever backs their
editorial bias .
Richard and Tim put some thought into their conclusion.
Are they one in a hundred, one in a thousand?
The lemmings in the enviro movement are probably better than one in ten.
Drinking straws, for gawd’s sake. They are desparate.
Also take into account that it amazing the beaches of Florida and especially Miami area are still intact due to the additional collective use of sand for all the infrastructure, housing and tower blocks built over the last 60 years.
Just shows how much the scaremongering models are wrong, making them now clutch at straws to maintain their jobs and funding. Excessive development in sensitive areas and population growth create more risk to the environment than climate change.
I once attempted a layman calculation on how much landbourne ice must melt to raise global sea level by 1 metre. I came to the conclusion that 400,000 cubic kilometres of ice would do the job nicely. The interesting part was how much energy is required to achieve this. The isothermal melting of ice requires some 334 kilojoules per kilogram at 273.16 K. That figure applies only to the change of state from solid to liquid between the temperatures of -0.01C to +0.01C (or from 273.14K to 273.16K). But most of the ice on Antarctica is way below this temperature (like -50C) and for every degree below freezing each kilogram of ice will require a further average of some 2 kilojoules per degree more. To cut a long story short I reached the grand total of 121,454,545,500,000,000,000 kilojoules of energy.
The next problem was how to deliver this energy to the ice. Can’t use the sea, the ice is on land! I picked a time scale of 20 years, (twice the then alarmist time of 10 years) and derived a figure of 20,000 WATTS PER SQUARE METRE! The sun would have to go Nova to do that. If the time scale was extended to 10,000 years then it is possible. Alarmists never come back with any math, just waffle on how the sea is going to burrow under the ice. Suggesting that this means water must run UPHILL gets no response.
Over time and from issue to issue liberals use the same tactics. The nuclear winter in another article today is an example of this. The anti-nuclear activists didn’t get the action they wanted, so they made more dire predictions in the form of a nuclear winter.
This has been going on in the climate change movement for a long time. Remember the BS about there would be 100 million climate refugees by 2010. Now the BS is 205 feet deep.
The Guardian is burning cash so fast it’s current crop of eco -activists will have it bankrupt long before Florida residents have to move their beach furniture a couple of inches .
When the facts change and the story doesn’t it’s called propaganda . The scary global warming industry (climate change rebrand ) owes it’s original credibility to mathematical models that don’t even agree with the same inputs and have subsequently proven to grossly exaggerate .
The Guardian will go down with the ship . Good riddance .
The Guardian sounds as bad as TIME magazine did back in the 1990’s over this Global Warming poppycock with their BE WORRIED BY VERY VERY WORRIED or the faked front cover showing the earth as a tried egg these lying news scum need to be boycotted