With all the subtlety and insight of a dead kangaroo, Greta Thunberg has pronounced on the bushfires currently ravaging Australia.
“The numbers don’t lie, and the science is clear.
If anyone tells you, ‘This is part of a normal cycle’ or ‘We’ve had fires like this before’, smile politely and walk away, because they don’t know what they’re talking about.” https://t.co/Avl0RATRdl— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) November 10, 2019
If there’s one person who doesn’t know what she’s talking about, it’s the pig-tailed Swedish school dropout, St. Greta.
And if it’s another, it’s that former Australian fireman who is quoted, approvingly, in the article Thunberg cites from the left-leaning Sydney Morning Herald.
Of course, this season’s Australian bushfires are dramatic and upsetting: they’ve claimed at least three lives and more than 150 houses in New South Wales alone and a currently threatening parts of Sydney.
Of course, various interested parties are trying to make political capital out of it – because that’s what activists do: especially the disaster vultures of the climate emergency movement.
But the evidence does not support the eco loons’ claims that these fires are uncharacteristic or historically unprecedented, let alone that man-made global warming or ‘climate change’ has anything to do with it.
As Andrew Bolt points out on this Sky News Australia bulletin, a recent NASA study found that in the last 18 years, bushfires in terms of land burned have decreased, not increased.
Jo Nova, meanwhile, wrote earlier this year that — as in the U.S. — what is really making these fires so destructive is poor management.
Australian states that burn off the underbrush in rotation – such as Western Australia – experience far less wildfire damage.
(In many parts of Australia, green policies forbid farmers and landowners from cutting down trees on their property because the trees on their land supposedly act as a ‘carbon sink’.)
After 67 years of fire management in the giant, hot, dry state of WA, the trend is clear — the more prescribed area we burn, the less wildfire does.
In the graph below the prescribed burns declined for forty years and wildfires increased for thirty. After the Dwellingup Fire in 1961, the state ramped up the preventative burns and reduced wildfires.
As the BushFireFront team say:
“We can’t control the weather but we can control the fuel loads“
Tough call — what do we do, redesign our energy system, pay billions, change our cars, our houses and our light globes in the hope that bushfires will be nicer, or do we just go back to doing what we used to do that worked?
If anyone is responsible for turning natural disasters into a tragedy, you could argue, it’s green campaigners like St Greta who treat humans as a nuisance.
Read more at Breitbart
Neither of you are effectively right, If you did not know how many species native Australian plants are “germinated” in Australian forests, they tend to do better in sapling numbers “after bushfire”.
The standard procedure to synthetically germinate many Australian native trees, shrubs and bushes is to boil water and pour onto the seeds and leave for 1 minute then plant into striking pots.
Attempting to simply plant Australian native seeds may or may not result in a one of them growing, they must use massive heat to trigger them !
While Hominid activity is only a million years old (or choose 8 million with Australopithecus – no relevance in the name) in evolution at an environment manipulating level, Australian Aborigines hunted by starting bushfire to flush out animals, unwittingly (perhaps) it also destroys an overpopulation of many deadly debilitating parasites Australia has such as Ticks and Paralysis Ticks (Arachnids) , Scorpions and flies.
Climate Criers are Liars
Bad climate science started when they guessed the wrong molecule
Hitran, using Quantum Mechanics, calculates, besides many other things, the relative absorb/emit intensity of water vapor molecules vs CO2 molecules. Comparison at zero altitude is shown at https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ECWhyyDUYAA1P89?format=jpg&name=medium . Comparison by the ratio of the summation of intensities (line lengths) for each wavenumber for each molecule species is 8.7/0.07 = 124. On average at ground level, according to the low populations used by Hitran, WV molecules outnumber CO2 molecules by about 8,000/330 ≈ 24 to one. After accounting for molecule count, each WV molecule is still 124/24 ≈ 5 times more effective at warming (absorb/emit of thermal radiation) than a CO2 molecule.
The relative effectiveness of the increases of WV and CO2 over 30 years is calculated as follows:
CO2 increase in 3 decades, 1988 to 2018 = 407 – 348 = 59 parts per million by volume (ppmv)
Average global water vapor increase trend from NASA/RSS TPW data, is 0.04272/28.9 * 100 * 10 = 1.47 % per decade.
Average global WV = 10,000 ppmv. WV increase in 3 decades = .0147 * 10,000 * 3 = 441 ppmv
Therefore, WV increase has been 441/59 * 5 = 37+ times more effective at increasing ground level temperature than CO2 increase 1988-2018. (Most of the world has been falsely indoctrinated.)
Above the tropopause (about 33,000 feet) WV molecules are reduced to about 32 ppmv because of the low temperature while CO2 molecules remain at 410 ppmv. Therefore, CO2 molecules outnumber WV molecules 410/32 ≈12 to one. At higher altitudes the molecule spacing increases and more and more of outward directed radiation makes it all the way to space. The increased cooling by more CO2 well above the tropopause counters and apparently fully compensates for the tiny added warming from CO2 increase at ground level. The result is that burning fossil fuels does not significantly affect climate. http://globalclimatedrivers2.blogspot.com
Actually, they have chosen the right molecule. No other molecule could be as effective in the effort to expand the power of government, implement close control over the people, and impose new taxes such as taxes on carbon dioxide emissions. Scientifically they chose the wrong molecule, but unfortunately the climate change fraud has been very successful despite this.
Greta has been groomed to be a cult leader. As such, she pronounces on things in order to grow her following.
There are none so blind as those who are willing to take her advice, to walk away from anyone who questions her ‘wisdom’. She is a puppet Queen, a marionette.
Hey Greta – I’ve got new for you:
Regarding the fires in Australia and other parts of the world . . .
1. This is part of a normal cycle.
2. We’ve had fires like this before.
Grow up and get out of our faces.
The Greenies inhabit inner suburban Melbourne and Sydney. They persist with their climate alarmist spiel despite having no practical knowledge of the bush or of Australia’s well-documented history of devastating droughts, floods, bush-fires, heatwaves etc.
Captain James Cook on his first voyage (1768-1771) to the Pacific Ocean observed in early 1770, numerous bush fires along Australia’s eastern coastline.
We live with extremely volatile bush in Australia plus we have known since first white settlement our country has been plagued by droughts. We are called the driest continent, now we have the greenie/communists/ Marxists stopping burn offs, clearing around homes and generally destroying the environment. For years people have warned about times like this when drought meets heat meets dry winds meets uncleared debris. The perfect storm then the idiots run around crying climate change. Weird beyond belief.
Speak for yourself Greta you don’t know what your talking about just parroting the words she has learned from the Eco-Nazis/Watermelons reminds me of the load of malarkey from Hollywood Airhead Leonardo DiCaprio who said THOSE WHO REJECT GLOBAL WARMING ARE REJECTING THE TRUTH and coming from someone who’s Career is playing a big game of Lets Pretend for Money
If you can’t trust the wisdom and knowledge of a by her parents and her own admission, a mentally disturbed bubble-gummer, who can you trust?