‘You haven’t seen anything yet’
Never one to miss an opportunity to grab some attention and tell grown-ups how mean they are, Great Thunberg – the 17-year-old figurehead of environmentalism – addressed a large crowd (organizers claimed 15,000) in Switzerland, warning world leaders ahead of next week’s Davos meetings that “you haven’t seen anything yet.” (Video after the jump)
Her fearmongering appears to be working as the young people in the crowd held up terrified-sounding signs including:
“Fear for our glaciers”
“HELP the Koalas”
“One, two, three degrees! It’s a crime against humanity!”
“Let’s Change The System, Not the Climate”
“There Is No Planet B”
“I Have a Green Dream”
“We Want A Cooler Planet”
Pretty clear who is pulling the stings . DADa .
No Mom would purposely put their kid out their to front
an over blown hoax .
What are they proposing … ? Tackling climate change ?
If you believe that then who gets to set the temperature ?
It’s such an obvious scam .
33,000 scientists say so and the climate models used to promote the fraud
have proven to be grossly inaccurate , all in one direction .
The IPCC doesn’t do it’s own research because it would be held accountable
so they get volunteers to summarize bought and paid for warming bias in order to scare little kids and get money for their global governance plan .
Maurice Strong, UN top dog , didn’t even hide the UN ‘s motive in the early 1990’s . He was a huge communist fan , lived in China and claimed
capitalism was to be destroyed if they could .
So it’s not about over bearing hockey parents like Gretta ‘s it’s much much bigger .
According to the article, the “organizers” claim 15,000 people were in attendance.
Like everything else they do, it’s a lie.
No more than 2,500 possible in this video.
The poor girl is doing much harm in making children afraid of something non-existent.
For over ten years the developing nations of been making demands that drastic measures be taken on climate change. Of course the main demand is “send money” but they have also been demanding significant cuts in emissions. The demands these countries, approximately 145 sovereign nations, have not been as drastic as Greta is demanding. Yet Greta’s handlers believe that she can influence the developed nations.
“So where does the current hysteria get us?”
You and I – nowhere. But note that virtually every “study” ends with “… more research is needed.” It’s called job security…..
My opinion of Stalin is no better and probably worse than the average person. However, he made a statement that I really liked. When asked about a position that the Pope had taken on an international issue, Stalin asked, “How many divisions does the Pope have?” He was referring to military divisions.
When I was a science student in the 1970’s I read a research paper that came to some conclusions but it also ended with more research was needed. I talked to my professor about it. He laughed and said that researchers are always trying to use their current research to get more funding.
Any reading of detailed exploration of facts concerning the last Little Ice Age (around 1350 to 1850) shows that terrible floods, severe droughts, heavy rains, bitter cold winters, blazing hot summers, extreme and unpredictable weather events happened. Alignment of the large planets, minimal or absent sunspots and activity, gravitational shifts, all affected climate an weather, long before any human activity or CO2 were responsible. So where does the current hysteria get us?
The 9th Circut Court has tossed out the stupid lawsuit brought by those kids against Trump for not doing enough about Global Warming/Climate Change. t last some common sense from the 9th circut court Trumps overhaul was way past due
Who taught these kids biology? A little more CO2 has already given us a greener planet. Although CO2 is at twelve million year highs, it has not budged normal Holocene interglacial temps at all outside of the natural range of the last twelve thousand years. So much for a CO2 driven climate. Teach yourself teachers. You have much to learn.
I’ll bet the tangible rewards of
Trump-o-nomics defeat the empty climate fear mongering come election day, and beyond.
I hope that President Trump makes the trip to Davos. All those billionaires there denying that their yachts don’t float higher on Captain America’s rising tide. Watch them twist in the wind when President Trump huffs and puffs. Secretly, they wish that they could do what he has done…
How many divisions has Greta Thunberg?
My opinion of Stalin is no better and probably worse than the average person. However, he made a statement that I really liked. When asked about a position that the Pope had taken on an international issue, Stalin asked, “How many divisions does the Pope have?” He was referring to military divisions.
Might doesn’t make right, but it usually decides the outcome.
So has this Brainwashed 17 year old been reading James Lovelocks book GAIA’S REVENGE? sounds to like her and her leftists father are now making themselves as our new rulers for the New World Order so how soon will they demand all skeptics be offers as sacrifice for the Earth Deities for their sun god and moon god how soon will they be ripping out peoples hearts like the pagan Aztecs did and how soon with the be building the temples and altars to carry out their bloody acts?
As a world leading scientist (who has made a major discovery in the field of atmospheric physics) I have to tell you from my extensive research that the claims that carbon dioxide warm us are based on nothing but fictitious, fiddled physics. They are totally wrong and in fact carbon dioxide cools but by less than 0.1 degree. The correct satellite data shows no warming at all since 1998.
The main greenhouse gas water vapor COOLS rain forests more than deserts, and that single piece of solid evidence overturns what has become the biggest scientific deception in history.
Watch my videos and read my peer-reviewed research, websites and articles.
Thanks, watching & reading your material
This little pip squeak is going to tell
everyone how to think ?
Even Stalin, Hitler and Mao couldn’t do that
Even with all their guns and military might
Even with all their ” answer to no one ” authority !
The easiest way to shut her up is to ignore her.
But the MSM won’t let you
They’ll shove her in your face as
often as possible