CCD Editor: This is exactly what George Orwell warned about. He just got the year wrong. Now tech giants are rewriting history and removing ‘unpersons’ like Greenpeace cofounder Patrick Moore.
Dr. Patrick Moore broke with Greenpeace, the organization he cofounded when Greenpeace’s mission morphed from promoting environmentalism to promoting Socialism.
Dr. Moore is a vocal critic of the propaganda techniques used by the global warming movement and recently said on television that, “the whole climate crisis is not only fake news, but it’s fake science.”
When President Trump tweeted out Moore’s statement, that was too much for the Big Green behemoth.
Marc Morano reports at CFACT’s Climate Depot that “Google, with the help of Greenpeace, is revising Greenpeace’s history to erase Dr. Patrick Moore from his role in cofounding the environmental group. But Greenpeace’s own website has previously featured Moore as one of its ‘founders.’”
“Google has removed my photo and name from the ‘Founders of Greenpeace’. It was still there 2 days ago but now I am erased. Tech Tyranny!!”
Google and Greenpeace’s actions are Orwellian in the extreme. In 1984, Orwell writes of “unpersons;” people who are removed from history, past, present, and future; “He did not exist: he had never existed.”
The workers in Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” had the massive task of disappearing people in an analog world. They had to physically burn old newspapers, print new copies, and distribute them to all the archives.
How much simpler and cleaner it is to cause someone to disappear with a few keystrokes and the click of a mouse.
Tech titans like Google have awesome powers Big Brother never dreamed of and Google knows it. They famously made their corporate creed, “don’t be evil.”
Since 2000, those words were prominently enshrined in Google’s code of conduct. In 2015, when Google reorganized itself as Alphabet, “don’t be evil” disappeared from its prior place of honor.
A few clicks and keystrokes and Google’s creed “don’t be evil” disappeared. Just like Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore.
Read more at CFACT
In the later part of the 20th Contrary the liberals of Hollywood made dystopian movies that implied or showed that their world had become so bad due to those on the far right getting too much power. Now consider the erasing of Dr. Patrick Moore, the effort for government to have close control of personal lives, the effort to move towards a one world government, the call for putting climate skeptics in jail, energy policies that would guarantee poverty, it is the left that has the greatest risk of creating a dystopia.
I googled Patrick Moore and he’s still on Wikipedia.
Ask him how he feels about the demolition of Nanticoke generating station.
” Let the name of Moses be stricken from every book and tablet, stricken from all pylons and obelisks, stricken from every monument of Egypt. Let the name of Moses be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of men for all time. ” cf ‘The Ten Commandments’ 1956
Why do they lie? Because they have to.
Patrick Moore has become the victim of the Eco-Nazis/Watermelons from Greenpeace the facts that that liberal news rag TIME named radical enviromentalists Paul Watson as a Hero of the Planet in reality Greenpeace are nothing but Crinimals and especialy to their split off group The Sea Shepard’s Conservation Society are nothing but Pirates on the open sea
This may be. But we will help remind them of this fact..