It appears that the melt season has just about finished on the Greenland ice cap, and for the second year running ice accumulation has been way above normal.
Nearly all of the country has seen this accumulation:
Meanwhile, climate alarmists continue to ignore the facts:
Read more at Not A Lot Of People Know That
Why, oh why do they keep on barking about ice loss? A few glaciers in the Andes and elsewhere melt – big deal. Antarctica and Greenland are gaining ice (98% of the total); the Arctic is just a giant ice cube that has already displaced its own volume; the thousands of glaciers in the Himalayas aren’t melting any more than usual. Why, oh why can’t they just shut up about the ice and find another more believable bogey-man?
The climate change agenda calls for such drastic action that would adversely impact everyone that they need as many bogey-men as possible.
Remember that very low levels of soot can cause ice melt. The Himalayas are close to China and some of that mountain range is in China. China has some of the worst soot pollution in the world.