After a careful study of 31,464 satellite records compiled over the last twenty years, a team of scientists and mathematicians from Thailand has announced that the temperatures in Greenland have been declining for at least twenty years. [emphasis, links added]
This is big news but probably will never see daylight in the mainstream media, who have been subjecting us to a continual barrage of propaganda that Greenland is melting.
The temperatures in Greenland’s coastal areas have indeed risen somewhat, but this could be attributed to the rise in population in those areas.
The Urban Heat Island effect, of course, is caused by large expanses of concrete and asphalt and human activity.
This study covered the entire island of Greenland. The southern part of the island has been cooling for at least sixty years.
Although there hasn’t been a dramatic temperature decrease there – with the amount of decline about 0.11° C. – the fact remains that this decrease has been consistent over a considerable period.
If anything, this information should prove once and for all that the Earth is not having a climate emergency.
Interestingly, we’ve been told again and again that the Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the planet.
Recently the World Economic Forum (WEF) told the world that the Greenland ice sheet is at risk of “total collapse”.
When you Google this, you will find hundreds of articles about ice melt in Greenland and nothing about this latest study, which was reported on No Tricks Zone and Watts Up With That.
One reason that some parts of Greenland could still be warming a little is that the North Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation has shifted, causing more warm ocean water to brush its shores.
There are several known areas where tectonic activity has been reported. Disko Island is known to have hot springs.
There is also geothermal activity in the southeast part of the island. Some believe there may also be sites of volcanic activity underneath the glacier.
Another study (Hanna et al, 2020) confirmed that Greenland has been cooling for several decades.
So this is significant, encouraging news that should put a final nail in the coffin of the climate change scam. Rest in peace.
Hundreds of fascinating facts about the climate change scam can be found in Lynne Balzer’s richly illustrated book, Exposing the Great Climate Change Lie, available on Amazon.
Climate science has nothing to do with the actual climate we measure, so can be disregarded as fairy tales made up in models for money by charlatans in academe. Only the observations and laws of phsyics are real..
BUT Greenland reality is interesting as regards ice accumulation, which may have some impact on the way interglacials happen and the ice sheet that form outside the poles on land in the last 20Ka of ice age cycles dissipate.
First of all, as with Earth’s energy balance, ice is not static, it, deep ice can thaw its own base through pressure, or by geothermal heat, etc. Snow is wet and dry, see Foehn winds in Denver, and sublimation rather than thawing ditto. It thaws in summer and accumulates in winter, so is a constantly changing balance between gain and loss. It doesn’t happen that quickly because of the energy required. There are two years of solar energy in the top 200m of the oceans at an average 15 deg , etc.
FACTS WE MEASURE BY RADAR IN GREENLAND. See:;jsessionid=8DDDF0F4C5C6CD46340F48049FA64116.f01t04
During the 4 K warmer Eemian interglacial, caused by all three Milankovitch cycle insolation effects reaching maximum in phase, Greenland ice almost entirely melted (at 280ppm of CO2, so certainly nothing to do with CO2). The ice sheet recovered slowly through the glacial phase, then grew rapidly in the Holocene until after the Holocene optimum when it began to decline slightly (10,000 years to go at current loss rate. It is reasonable to assume that was because the snow arriving from the 5 degree warmer tropics via the gulf stream was plentiful, and wet. UNTIL… the neo glacial set in 3Ka BP and the summer loss began to exceed the winter gain.
Note that as Earth cools further towards the next glacial phase Greenland ice sheet growth must again reverse to the slower but steady accumulation of the glacial phase because it doesn’t thaw much in summer but still snows a bit in winter, net positive for growth. The ice will be back for the next glacial phase. .
So the relationship between temperature and Greenland ice cover is complex, and is delicately balanced between gain and loss at this point in the ice age cycle. The relationship between accumulation rate and temperature is both non-linear and goes through complete reversals during the current transitions from glacial to interglacial and back, from the Holocene optimum maximum accumulation, through the current small net loss, to the slow and steady accumulation of the next glacial phase of the ice age.
The ice will be back.
In geology, the past is the best guide to the future. Corrections of fact welcome.
I still do not understand how Greenland can be net melting with Camp Century now 100metres beneath the ice unless that 100m net accumulation at the surface is matched by greater losses from the base? It may be quite warm at the interface with the surface? And how does it get out if its in a rocky bowl?
Must be a big leak somewhere under a glacier that has penetrated the outer ring? It seems to me the ice persists well up to the rim of the mountain basin in which it forms and is well protected from the warm oceanic atmosphere at lower levels. Just gets dumped on from above. So unless the losses are all from the base, the rate of loss at the surface will decrease as the ice sheet reduces into the ever greater protection of the mountain range that surrounds it. etc.
I see that there are places where its snowing and according to the Climate Nuts it never suppose to snow a again now Greenland’s Cooling off but don’t expect to see or read anything like that from the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders like CNN/NYT,s
Completely untrue. Snow is more a measure of humidity than of cold and a warming atmosphere holds more moisture. Thus the reason for the recent lake effect blizzards in the Northeast. Snow is rare when the temperature drops below -20 and Antarctica is technically a desert.
If you’ve read his comments you would know that his comments are mostly rote about the left-wingnuts and the climate cooks but has little with real contribution to what the article says. And yes, you are right about the snow. Here in Colorado the snows we get here in the winter, especially in the mountains, they are very dry. I could just use my broom to sweep it off. But our spring snowstorms are heavier with water. We actually had a snowstorm a couple weeks ago that was incredibly heavy. The local weather channel’s meteorologist said that our typical snow will have 1″ water in 10″ snow but this storm had 3″ of water in the same 10″ snow. And it was right around 32F for the duration of the snow. I live in a suburb SE of Denver.