The New York Times told home-buyers to infuse eco-extremism into their decision-making when buying their homes.
The latest climate drivel for The Times was headlined, “Add ‘Climate Hazards’ to Your Home-Buyer’s Checklist.”
The lede paragraph reeked of agitprop: “As global temperatures increase and sea levels rise, home shoppers are looking at more than just location, price, and the number of bedrooms when exploring properties.”
The Times propagandized that climate change was causing people to wonder “about the risk of natural disaster, and what that risk might mean for a home’s value over time.”
It’s too bad that Climate Depot Founder Marc Morano already laid this claim to rest in a recent statement.
He said, “Global temperatures have been holding nearly steady for almost two decades, according to satellites from the Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) and the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH).” [Emphasis added.]
The Times didn’t seem to get UAH’s data. It continued to bloviate how “many [sustainability projects] like Cambridge, Mass. and St. Paul, Minn., have developed long-term response plans to climate change that include high-resolution maps depicting risks of fire, sea-level rise and heat.”
The newspaper employed scaremongering tactics by citing the Center for Energy Studies at Louisiana State University Assistant Professor-Research Cody Nehiba to frighten readers into treating climate change as pivotal when purchasing a home.
According to Nehiba:
“Flood maps can help buyers determine the likelihood of their property being damaged in a flooding event and see what infrastructure the community has in place,” he said. “It is important to note that ill-prepared areas that continue to invest heavily in high-risk locations will likely face larger damages from climate change.”
The Times wouldn’t let up and tried to mainstream climate-fear data as growing in popularity.
It wrote: “As awareness of climate-related hazards grow, the companies crunching those hazards into easily understood projections are only going to get more popular, said Zach Aarons, co-founder of MetaProp, a PropTech venture capital firm.”
The newspaper’s argument was just as useless as when The Washington Post Editorial Board tried to claim that climate change was an “imminent danger.”
Conservatives are under attack. Contact The New York Times at 800-698-4637 and demand that it stop pushing climate change propaganda.
Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay
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More about home insurance and climate change
I agree that climate change should be considered carefully in purchasing a home. Are electric rates likely to be driven up significantly because the climate change movement is forcing adopting expensive and unreliable power? Will the current power grid hold up in hot summer or extra cold winter nights? Is the climate change movement likely to be successful in imposing a tax on carbon dioxide emissions? If the house uses natural gas, is the pipe line adequate for a very cold winter night? Has the state or is the state likely to take measures like California to artificially drive up the cost of gas and diesel. What is the risk of closing roads or imposing high parking rates in an effort to force people out of their cars? Is there an extra burden for owning a car such as one city requires a yearly vehicle inspection at a cost of a thousand dollars?
Some of these issues are state wide. However, often a move is driving by getting a new job and the impact of the climate change movement should in some cases eliminate a state for consideration in accepting a job offer. In some cases there are options that may not be obvious at first. One of my friends is a California refugee that moved to Idaho. He still works at his California company by telecommuting. Other issues will vary within in the same state and which city someone chooses to live in can make a big difference.
The Trump Tower is preferable to Martha’s Vineyard? The Obama’s are uninformed.
The New York Pravda now advises its readers to its Birdcage liner to add Climate Hazard to checklist what else will this liberal rag advise its readers to do besides this?
We should be aware of climate hazards in buying a house, such as rooftop solar panels nearing the end of their largely useless life.