Reagan observed: “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”
So it is with the Green New Deal. Most liberals regard it as a simple proposition: Global warming is a really big problem, and it’s our fault, so let’s fix it.
But closer analysis reveals that the argument for the Green New Deal rests upon a long chain of interdependent assertions, every one of which must be believed for the problem to be of sufficient peril to warrant their drastic solution.
Here are links in their chain of logic. If you doubt the truth of any single step, you must discard the entire argument.
- The global climate is warming.
- Human activity is a major cause.
- At the current rate of warming, our environment will suffer terrible degradation — unprecedented droughts, more frequent and severe hurricanes, flooding of the coastlines. The planet will become inhabitable by 2100.
- We can avert catastrophe only by implementing the Green New Deal, now. Otherwise, within 12 years we will reach a “tipping point” from which we can never recover. Earlier tipping points, having already expired without notice, are now irrelevant.
- We must quickly and drastically reduce or eliminate carbon emissions from burning plant products, coal, petroleum, and natural gas. We must also reduce or eliminate bovine gas.
- We must confine ourselves to using only renewable energy. This demands that we retrofit all buildings and redesign all machinery to operate with sunlight and wind power.
- While the costs of converting our infrastructure to accommodate renewable energy are currently prohibitive (greater than our annual GNP), they will drop significantly with the advent of unknown future technology. When we take into account the vast numbers of new green jobs required for conversion, the Green New Deal will make us richer than ever.
- Similarly, the problem of storing (intermittent) sun and wind power will be solved by currently unknown future technology. This is the same technology that will solve the problem of carbon-free trans-oceanic transportation.
- Technology will not enable us, however, to adapt to rising temperatures. Nor will we be able to adapt to gradually-rising seas by moving away from low-lying areas.
- We mustn’t supplement our energy supplies with increased use of existing technology, atomic power plants. Atomic energy is carbon-free, but it is far too dangerous (Chernobyl and Fukushima together have caused nearly fifty deaths so far!), even for the goal of saving the planet.
- The consequences of global warming will be wholly malignant. Any beneficial effects, such as increased food production due to longer growing seasons and vast swathes of the Arctic becoming available for farming, and the overall greening of the planet, would be insignificant.
- The United States must impose the Green New Deal upon itself, despite the fact that 85% of global carbon emissions are produced by other countries. We must not condition our self-imposed carbon abstinence upon commiserate actions by China, or Europe, or India.
Because we will solve global warming with the example we set.
Read more at American Thinker
If the campaigners for Global Warming were really concerned about the future of humanity, they should make a detailed examination of all the hazards on this earth and seek resolutions to them based on their human causality. Ranking these hazards down from most lethal to essentially harmless, Global warming would be near the bottom of the list, while automobile driving, smoking, eating junk food, playing sports, flying in airplanes and many other activities would be in serious need of being made illegal IMMEDIATELY.
Check out Bjorn Lomborg and the Copenhagen Concensus.
I was an aerospace engineer for almost 28 years and have worked in high tech area of other industries for 7 years. I have been involved in the development of new military planes and new commercial planes. In the development of new aircraft or other products that I have worked on no one ever relies on technology that doesn’t exist. We always used existing technology. Of course, the existing technology is always better than it was when the last such airplane was developed so we made a higher technology aircraft.
Planning one new technology to come through in more than one area, such as the cost of converting buildings and energy storage, is a sure formula for failure. The prospect of solving the energy storage dilemma is really grim. The chemistry and physics involved have been very well understood for a long time, yet we are not even close to solving this problem.
The radical left talks about the new reality when they claim that extreme weather events are more common. Forcing the Green New Deal on us requires a new reality of having long power outages be very common.
Boeing chose software over hardware to “fix” a bad idea, the 737 Max 8. Passengers died.
The GND is so bad, it is not going to happen, at all. The GND is useful in that it discredits the movement that designed it.
As for Boeing, heads will roll.
Just like in Children of the Corn the kids will leave the adults are sacrifices to to their pagan deity GAIA the New Green Scam just like the bans on DDT and CFC’s is based upon Junk Science,Lies and Politics and plain old Greed(All that Grant Money)AOC i see their already fed up with her
Same old, same old. Just a new face selling it (AOC of course). what they are saying is bow to the greens and communists, give up any freedom you have including freedom of speech and live like the unfortunate citizens of Venezuela! America and Australia must stand their ground on this Marxist/leftist/communist propaganda.