Almost every single major German producer of solar systems has gone insolvent. Investors are flocking away in droves because of canceled subsidies. New additional installations are hardly taking place. The first installations are now being taken offline and the share of solar power in Germany has fallen below 6 percent. — P Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, 21 April 2018
The energy transition is expected to cost Germans two to three trillion euros by 2050. Most of it paid by consumers via levies for many years. The new economics minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) met with open ears when he announced on Tuesday that he expects an end to government support for subsidies in four to five years. — Handelsblatt, 18 April 2018
The proper boundaries between industry, politics, and science have become blurred, preventing a rational debate about energy policy and climate change, according to a scientist and former German member of parliament Philipp Lengsfeld. The public, whose interests they would normally serve, therefore instead finds itself caught in the middle, passive, not active. — William Powell, Natural Gas World, 19 April 2018
The event was organized by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, whose director, Benny Peiser, introduced Lengsfeld by quoting approvingly the remarks from Germany’s economy and energy minister Peter Altmaier. Altmaier had told an energy conference in Berlin April 17 that Germany would not phase out coal soon; that subsidies for renewable energy had to stop, and the Energiewende would fail unless it was global. Peiser said the CDU politician was repeating the arguments of Lengsfeld, presented in a paper a year ago. — William Powell, Natural Gas World, 19 April 2018
Altmaier said the Energiewende would fail unless it was global. The communists used to say for communism to work, the whole world had to be communist. The reasons are the same. Energiewende is inefficient compared to the use of fossil fuels, therefore can not compete. Communism was inefficient in comparison to capitalism, therefore could not compete.
Germans used to posses a great deal of common sense . Nice to see it returning .
Wind Turbines and Solar Panels all to prevent something that’s only in the minds of the Eco-Wackos,World Leaders and on fake docmentries written and produced by politicians and celeberties who wont be giving up their Lifestyles of Liberal Eletists (WE need Robin Leech here)while they demand we all live a miserble 3rd World Exitence