The opinions expressed by guest columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of CCD.
Everything–and I mean everything–about the man-made global warming movement is rotten to the core.
Tens of thousands of our own brave and brilliant scientists, as well as websites such as Climate Change Dispatch, are fighting the good fight against the climate change fraud every day. It’s a fight we are working hard to win.
I just completed a 435-page book on the subject of climate change fraud and the people and motivations behind it.
I discovered that as bad as scientific fraud is, the motivations behind it turned out to be worse. These motivations are to put it in a few words: money and a political totalitarian power grab by the political Left.
These all are covered in the book in full-color detail.
The global warming movement is not actually about climate. It’s about money and power.
My background is as an engineer working in alternative energy for over 25 years.
Alternative energy projects I have done and equipment I’ve designed are in the US, Canada, Malaysia, South Korea, China, Russia, Israel, and the EU.
The specific production-type technology includes hydropower, but also wind, solar photovoltaic and solar thermal. I’m a specialist in the effects of unusually cold ambient temperatures on infrastructures. And cold is the direction we are headed.
When I look at the Green New Deal, and its reliance on what they call “alternative energy,” I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
If the outlandish tale of global warming was to happen, these so-called alternative energy systems simply don’t work in high-temperature environments.
Let’s go briefly through their two major hopes for alternative power: photovoltaic and wind.
Solar electric panels don’t work well in hot weather. That’s why we don’t see any in places like the United Arab Emirates / Dubai.
Solar panels are from the start rather inefficient, at best 22% or 23%.
Bad news for AOC: As the temperature rises, they become less and less efficient. When the temperature of the panel reaches 42 degrees C (107.5 degrees F), they begin losing the little efficiency they have and fast.
In places like Arizona, where people make the effort to USE them, they need to be cooled by running cold water in pipes underneath them to make them function reasonably well.
But here’s the kicker in determining the efficiency of photovoltaic panels at high temperatures. The temperature of a photovoltaic solar panel is usually about 20 degrees C (36 degrees F) hotter than the ambient air.
This means that the loss of efficiency actually begins when the air temperature is 22 degrees C (71.6 degrees F).
For every degree above ambient air temperature of 22 degrees C, the panels will lose 1.1% of their peak electric output.
Just think about the hysterical projections of the Al Gore – AOC followers, and we see that in their nightmare world, the panels will be operating at efficiency levels approaching zero.
Just when it seems that things can’t get worse for the global warming movement, it does. Not only do the PV panels drop in efficiency as the temperature increases… their product life decreases.
Right now, with the most advanced PV technology (China of course, which is another problem), the best solar electric panels have a lifespan of about 25 years absolute maximum. After that, the only place for them is the garbage dump.
They are not recyclable at all. Except for the little aluminum frames around each one.
Thus, we will end up in the future with new mountain ranges in America. Made of burned-out photovoltaic panels. Every 25 years, every single one of them is going to become part of the new garbage mountain range.
If the temperatures projected by the global warming hysterics would actually occur, the product lifespan of the panels would be reduced to a few years. And those years, the panels would be operating at low efficiency.
Yet, it gets even worse for AOC and Bernie Sanders’ PV panels. The electronic control equipment which controls and directs the harvested electricity conks out at about 40 to 45 degrees C (104 to 113degF). Which is a cool day in the doomsters’ global warming future.
While these temperatures may seem high, the equipment itself, just like solar panels, tends to become even hotter than ambient air.
So much for the solar electric panels. Goodbye.
What about the wind turbines?
The turbines themselves and electronic equipment which controls electrical production and distribution matters are housed at the top of the single column towers, in egg-shaped shells made of metal.
They are called nacelles. In the hot global warming future, these egg-shaped (or shoebox-shaped with rounded corners) metal containers are going to become bake ovens for the equipment they contain.
First to go is, of course, the electronic control equipment. As mentioned, that conks out at about 40 to 45 degrees C.
Next to go is the turbine itself. Metals will slightly change shape and start to exceed their required tolerances, and the lubricants won’t function. But it gets even worse for the global warming hysterics…
Along with hot temperatures in the alarmists’ nightmarish future, hysterics are promising wind storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. These will rip the turbine blades to shreds. They do not have the ability to withstand the force of such high winds.
A fiberglass or carbon/glass composite blade is often about 50 meters in length, weighs about 4,000 kg and will snap like twigs in the high winds expected by the global warming activists.
And as a footnote, hydropower would have a less difficult challenge in the hot temperatures. However, the electronic control and distribution equipment needed for them to work will conk out at about 40 to 45 degrees C.
The Ship Of Truth
The ship of truth floating in the sea of debate is being kept afloat by tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of scientists who recognize man-made global warming as a scientific fraud. And by many groups and organizations and websites also fighting the fight.
This new book takes a slightly different approach and hopefully will become a new method in our toolbox of truth.
The book goes deeply into the totalitarian roots and methods of propaganda and power grab which are at the heart of the global warming movement, as well as the technical issues.
If AOC and friends are hoping for alternative-energy equipment to help solve their delusional problem, they will be very disappointed.
They and the so-called global warming “scientists” might as well roam cow-filled fields and pastures with empty water bottles, hoping to capture cow methane as a fuel for their future.
It’s all put beautifully in the words and ideas of Dr. Seuss:
I do not like your Green New Deal.
I do not like green pigs that squeal.
Both of them are really lazy.
If you believe them, you’re totally crazy…
Dr. Joel H. Glassis the author of the new book called “A primer about global warming for those on the political left…or for Republicans to use in explaining global warming to their leftist friends and relatives.”
A further problem with wind turbines is what severe thunderstorms do to gear boxes and bearings as well as the rest of the structure. They cannot be designed for against vertical loads and this is what they get from thunderstorms when the down burst out of of big storms drives all the blades straight down. Another feature of frontal thunderstorms when they have a large infeed wind is that as the storm passes the wind veers 180 degrees the other way instantaneously which causes incredible stress on the blades, tower and gear box. Lightning and hail can complete the list of dangers. A lot of data suggests gear box failures at around five years for all makes around the world.
It’s a fraud . Don’t do anything other than strive for continuous improvement in energy use efficiency . Nuclear has a bad rap but it does serve to show the hypocrisy of the eco-anachists , phony rent seekers , and the globalists looking for a cash cow .
Should be a good book . Thanks for doing it .
First you would want to make it a non-political issue. To many big egos are trying to take advantage of climate change to score political points. If they really wanted to be serious about cutting back on c02 then they would use a new version of nuclear that has less chance of a meltdown and eventually fusion once they nail down the science. Once you have your power stations upgraded then switch all transportation to electric. This alone would cut back immensely on c02 production with the reduction of c02 from power generation and transportation. Also, planting more trees that absorb more c02 would drastically help with reducing c02 emissions.