Former Vice President Al Gore said that “greenhouse gas pollution” was “boiling the oceans,” causing “rain bombs,” and creating “climate refugees” during remarks at a World Economic Forum (WEF) event in Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday.
Gore joined a panel discussion ostensibly examining what the WEF and the White House regularly describe as a “climate crisis” driven by the consumption of fossil fuels. [emphasis, links added]
One of the panel’s hosts framed it as a “planetary crisis” driving “mass extinction” while “really putting humanity’s future at risk.”
Gore claimed [emphasis, links added]:
We’re still putting 162 million tons [of greenhouse gas pollution into the atmosphere] every single day, and the accumulated amount is now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding every single day on the Earth.
That’s what’s boiling the oceans, creating these atmospheric rivers, and the rain bombs, and sucking the moisture out of the land and creating the droughts, and melting the ice and raising the sea level, and causing these waves of climate refugees, predicted to reach one billion in this century.
Look at the xenophobia and political authoritarian trends that have come from just a few million refugees. What about a billion? We would lose our capacity for self-governance on this world. We have to act.
Gore said the Inflation Reduction Act is “primarily a climate act” given the legislation’s appropriation of $369 billion — not including tax credits — for “renewable energy.”
“Renewable energy … is now the cheapest source of electricity in almost the entire planet,” he added.
“Pro-climate legislation” is needed at all levels of governance to “save the future,” Gore concluded.
Read more at Breitbart
He is sounding as idiotic as Hollywood Halfwit Robert Redford who Claimed that Fossil Fuels was Cooking the Earth while he has done ads for United Airlines and sells off parts on his Sundance Ranch to Developers
The real problem is those that believe his drivel and others of his ilk.
Oh, one other thing. “Equivalent energy of 600,000 Hiroshima bombs released in the earth’s atmosphere every day?” So, where is your data set? Pretty specific number there. I guess I’m just used to having to present facts & evidence when I make a presentation. Apparently, the bar is set a little lower at Davos…
Solar insolation aimed a “target Earth” is about 5700 Hiroshima bombs a second. (of which about a third actually heats the Earth.
So according to this Gore there is a magic amplification of near 300 times solar insolence just by his favorite magic molecule.
He just makes up the Sh1t as he goes along.
It’s difficult to even frame a reply to such incontinent ravings.
But the eco-loons will lap it up.
Take a science course.
Nobody personifies BLOWHARD quite like Mr. Gore! What the hell is a “Rain Bomb?”
The “Goricle”… Single science class. Got a D grade. His professor told him not to hyperventilate about climate – he didn’t listen. What a maroon. Of course, the idiots are the ones that actually listened to this climate fool. Because the Goricle has increased his net worth by $100 million frightening schoolchildren and lying to anyone foolish enough to believe him. You’d think of the over 1,000 jet-setting climate fools at least a few would understand the basics of the sciences they purport to love. Of climate. Of the environment. And the century-old scientific facts… Life on earth is carbon-based. The source of that carbon is CO2. Atmospheric CO2 has been dangerously and inexorably DECLINING from life luxuriant levels more than twenty times those of today. DECLINING to within 30ppm of the beginning of the death of all things from a lack of CO2. A planet without CO2 is a dead planet. There’s more money in fear and indoctrination than in the truth.
The only climate refugees that I know of move south.
Al Gore is a liability to the people in Davos. He’s there to make money from his investment in renewables. He’s their rubber crutch, an embarrassment, a joke.
Al Gore has never kept a penny from his climate books, lectures or films – all profits are donated. He did try to create a Carbon Credit company but it failed. This has been public information for decades.
Gore made most of his money with Google, Apple and selling his stake in a TV channel.
Al Gore started, with others, an investment fund, Generation Investment Management in 2004.. That green fund is now worth $36 billion and pays him $2 million per month.
Where did Al Jazeera get the money to overpay for Gore’s cable channel? Don’t care?
Do I care? Not really. Do you care that Prince Walid bin Talal of Saudi Arabia is the second-largest shareholder of Fox News’s parent, the News Corporation?
Regarding GIM: It is investment company that is helping to fund businesses focused on sustainable practices. Gore has proven time and again that he is a smart businessman.
Do you have something against capitalism?
We need Saudi oil and we need Fox News. Twitter is being cleaned up by a capitalist and CNN has seen the light. I’m a farmer so capitalism is my faith. Take your stinking paws off my fertilizer and fuel, you green ape.
Drewski, you’re a brave man trying to defend Al Gore. Just listen to what he said at Davos and think again.
Gore is a hero.
Gore is a hypocrite
No he isn’t