Former Vice President Al Gore discussed his 2006 warning that unless the nations took “drastic measures, the world would reach a point of no return within 10 years” when it comes to climate change and global warming.
Gore said his “point of no return claim” was, unfortunately, “accurate,” but celebrated that the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have made climate a top priority.
“You said back in 2006 the world would reach the point of no return if we didn’t reduce greenhouse gases in 2016. Is it already too late?” asked ABC News’ Jonathan Karl in an interview which aired Sunday on “This Week.”
Gore replied:
[S]ome changes, unfortunately, have already been locked in place. Sea level increases are going to continue to matter what we do now.
But, we can prevent much larger sea level increases. Much more rapid increases in temperature. The heatwave was in Europe.
Now it’s in the Arctic. We’re seeing huge melting of the ice there. So, the warnings of the scientists 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, unfortunately, were accurate.
Here’s the good news, Jonathan, in the Democratic contest for the presidential nominations this year, virtually all of the candidates agree this is either the top issue or one of top two issues.
He then added, “I think it’s great that there are so many of these candidates who are really making it their top priority and who are really focusing on introducing bold plans. I’m really encouraged by that.”
Read more at Breitbart
Well at least he has given up on the dye jobs .
Zero scientific training but a super good bull shitter = $millions .
Why doesn’t Al Gore shut up
go into hiding
with his ill-gotten billions and
hope no one remembers him
lest he be prosecuted.
Maybe Costa Rica will do
It worked out for Bob Vesco.
So how soon will Al Gore give up all his wealth and privlage and go live in a grass hut without windows
Took the kids to Niagra Falls a couple weeks ago. Great place. My kids understand that global warming is caused by vulcanism, the tilt of the earth’s axis towards the sun and its proximity to the sun and what effect those inputs have on the amount of water vapor in the atmostphere. They know that water vapor is by far the greatest greenhouse gas (misnomer) and that CO2 is a necessary trace gas for all life to exist on earth. They know that man-made CO2 production has no material effect on the climate and that we have no way to regulate weather or climate, which is the long-term average of weather over time. With that background, I conspired with the kids and asked them to approach a person with a green golf shirt who, I was told with great knowledge of the Falls, their origin, formation and events that lead up to what we have today. The question the kids asked was, “How many factories, coal and natural gas fired plants and other man-caused CO2-producing events were built to cause the melting that took place 12,000 years ago that led to the melting of the 2 miles-thick glacier that once stood here?” The “person of knowledge,” stared at them for an awkward few seconds. They said, “You told us that 20% of all fresh water on earth flows over these falls and down from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. At Horseshoe Falls alone you said 675 million gallons a second flow over the edge and down into those cool rapids that end up in lake Ontario. Right? What caused all those glaciers to melt? How many coal plants and factories caused that global warming?” Another few awkward seconds. The guide said, “Global warming now is different than what happened 12,000 years ago.” Kids: “How so?” AFMAS…”Now WE are causing it and we have to stop it!!!” Kids. “How is it different? Why do we have to stop it if this naturally occurring event makes things better for us. I mean humans thrive in a warmer climate. Right. At least they have in the past. Right? So why mess with anything?” AFMAS…Green shirt guy…”I have a PhD in environmental science with a concentration in hydrology. I have explained everything in perfectly understandable terms. I think my point is clear.” Kids…”You haven’t explained anything. Don’t they test you guys before you are aloud to talk to real people? They should test you guys. Come on Dad. Maybe we can find someone who knows what they are talking about.” I walked away silent but thinking, “The apple don’t fall far from the tree.”
This may be the prediction that out lasts Gore . I hope he is around long enough to be humiliated yet again .
Sorry kids humans don’t and can’t control climate change . Natural variables like the sun , ocean currents , clouds , volcanoes do .
Currently we are in a warming cycle thankfully so enjoy it while it lasts .