James Kamis suggests “conflicting temperature trends” between oceans and the Earth’s atmosphere could dispel the “myth” of man-made global warming.
Put simply, he says our atmospheric temperature has remained static for more than 18 years, the Atlantic has got colder, and it is only the Pacific Ocean where things have heated up.
Mr Kamis said: “Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and many universities are at a loss to explain recent conflicting temperature trends from Earth’s oceans and atmosphere.”
“It can be boiled down to this: temperatures of the Earth’s three big fluid systems are each trending in different directions. The temperature of the Pacific Ocean is rising, the temperature of the atmosphere has remained constant, and the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean is cooling.”
He said the temperature variances do not fit previous climate model predictions.
He added: “Climate scientists favoring the theory of man-made global warming are flooding the media with new, and this time supposedly very reliable, explanations that are generated from their latest super-computer climate models.”
Opposing scientists claim global warming has melted the Greenland ice cap at an alarming rate to the point that freshly melted ice flowing into the Atlantic is lowering the seawater temperature there.
However, Mr Kamis said that with no significant atmospheric temperature change in 18.7 years, global warming is not likely to be the cause of the melting.
Mr Kamis is a former employee of BTA Oil Producers, based in Midland, Texas, a private firm which has been active in oil and natural gas exploration, development and production for 50 years. He has also been a long-standing member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, so his impartiality on the subject of whether man’s use of fossil fuels has led to global warming is open to question.
But he claims the facts speak for themselves.
He added: “The entire Atlantic Ocean is cooling, and not just in the northern portion of the Atlantic that is adjacent to Greenland.
“This strongly suggests that outflow of summertime Greenland ice cap melt water into the northern portion of the Atlantic Ocean is not the primary driving force behind cooling the entire Atlantic Ocean.
“Recent research from NASA’s Operation Ice Bridge clearly shows that Greenland’s ice mass loss is only occurring in areas immediately adjacent to the ocean.
“This perimeter-based ice loss is greatest in areas where the ice cap overlays known deep geological fault zones that are emitting geothermal heat onto the base of the ice cap.
“The interior portions of the Greenland Ice Cap are in ice mass balance.
“The extent of Arctic Ocean sea ice has increased the last three years, and not decreased as predicted.
“The Antarctic Ice Cap extent has increased steadily for thirty five years, and not decreased as predicted.”
He believes melting of the Greenland Ice cap to be caused by heat from ancient volcanic eruptions and geothermal heat flow from below the surface.
He tells Climate Change Dispatch: “Many noted and well-intentioned climate scientists and universities are now starting to publicly admit that overwhelming amounts of new research indicates that the theory of man-made global warming does not properly explain many observed climate trends.
“Reason dictates that a more balanced approach to studying climate trends is needed.”