Climate alarm fatigue syndrome: Climate alarmism is turning the youth into emotional basket cases…once again Germany talks itself into a new psychosis.
Here’s a short but interesting report on how all the climate alarmism in Germany is now taking a psychological toll, especially on the youth.
Hat-tip Die kalte Sonne.
German broadcaster RTL here has an article at its site titled: “Climate Change and Psyche: Burnout Courses for Demonstrators“. According to RTL:
One year after the start of the Fridays for Future protests in Lower Saxony, psychologists are observing that the climate crisis may be putting a heavy emotional strain on young people.
Psychotherapists are therefore now offering free workshops, for example in the Hanover region.
Nationwide, therapists have joined forces with “Psychologists for Future” – an environmental group of psychologists that now has 400 volunteers who want to support the climate activists.”
Die kalte Sonne comments: “If you preach climate catastrophe all day long, you will eventually believe it yourself. Then burnout is not far off. Fortunately, there are now courses against it. Will the health insurance soon pay for it? Will ‘climate alarmism’ now be a recognized disease?”
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