Leading dailies in Germany are reporting today that power companies across the country will be hiking electricity prices once again in the February to April period, affecting millions of households.
This comes at the heels of a January price hike.
“The wave of electricity price increases in Germany is not abating. According to figures from the comparison and brokerage portal Verivox, 86 utilities have announced average price increases of 8.1 percent for the months February to April,” writes Germany’s flagship Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) here.
“For a family with an annual consumption of 4000-kilowatt hours, this would mean additional costs of around 100 euros per year.”
Already in January, “543 basic utilities had already increased their electricity prices,” according to the FAZ. “The average increase was 5.4 percent.”
The price hikes come just as Germany’s electricity rates have become among the world’s highest. Annually tens of thousands of German households see their power cut off because they are unable to pay their bills.
A large portion of the rate hike is due to the feed-in tariffs for green energies such as wind and sun.
Read more at No Tricks Zone
The Left has been discouraging consumption for as long as I can remember. Some have said that it is rooted in post WWII British austerity. It may have been necessary then, but why now? They had to create a crisis, global warming / climate change.
The private jet set Elites pushing the panic button don’t even try to set an example. The Pigs always end up in the farm house.
May 30, 2019 and estimated 340,000 German household were without power because they couldn’t afford to pay the bill. I wonder what the number is now.
If the Democrats get their way this is the future of the US.
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The do gooders and eco freaks need their own part of the world to live in. Somewhere close to China would work out just fine
Raising the price they pay for the power that keeps them warm and comfortible and cooks their meals this is not right but just what the Eco-Freaks and back to nature nit-wits want