German climate scientist Professor Werner Kirstein was interviewed by alternative media outlet NuoViso, and since the video was released early this month on Youtube, it has been viewed over 130,000, times.
Politics commissioning reports for money
In the interview, Professor Kirstein tells moderator Robert Stein that CO2 emissions have no effect on the climate and that “politicians commission climate scientists to produce expert reports for money.”
“Public is being deceived”
Prof. Kirstein talks about the “conscious deception” of the public and how all research projects and publications by “climate scientists” only have the goal of confirming “man-made climate change” and that different scientific views are not welcome.
According to Kirstein, the public is being deceived with false information and that the aim of politics is to find a way to collect further taxes and to collect levies.
“We currently see this with the climate tax, which is to be introduced soon,” Kirstein says.
Movement back to feudalism
In the interview, Kirstein also says that in Germany it gets down to ideologues pursuing an ideological transformation.
He says:
“I say this a bit exaggerated: We are to become a society of craftsmen and farmers like under feudal rule. Above are feudal and below are the peasants who pay taxes. The industry is a detrimental thing that destroys the environment.”
Doomsday scenarios are “false”
The now-retired professor calls the doomsday scenario in which the polar caps melt due to the CO2 greenhouse effect and floods and climate refugee flows occur worldwide, false.
“Even if all CO2 emissions in Germany were stopped, the effect would still be zero. We have no influence on climate change,” he says.
Mann’s hockey stick “a fake”, Gore “a profiteer”
Kirstein also sharply criticizes the IPCC and Prof. Michael E. Mann, telling Stein: “The purpose of the IPCC report is to deceive people,” and that Mann’s famous curve in the shape of a hockey stick chart and the graphics “are fake.”
Kirstein also blasted Al Gore, calling him a “profiteer” of the spreading global warming hysteria.
Warming has been natural, “All this is normal”
“In truth, it was very warm in the 12th century in the Middle Ages. And about 150 years ago a small ice age came to an end, both were suppressed in Michael Mann’s curve,” Kirstein said. He calls the rise in temperature after the Little Ice Age a natural “reheating.”
Kirstein also says the assumption that the glaciers have declined due to global warming is also wrong.
“Glaciers come and glaciers go. But that also varies from region to region,” the expert says. “That is why the ice would increase at the South Pole and some glaciers would melt at the North Pole. All this is normal.”
Read more at No Tricks Zone
Thank god honest scientists are gaining the courage to speak out againt this biggest fraud in human history. I recommend everyone to Tony Heller’s website…he is constantly bebunking the daily fearmongering of the “warmists” and the MSM.
When the Banks start to deny mortgages on waterfront properties, and their values begin to drop significantly. I will start to listen to the IPCC, and the Al Gores of the world. Most Western societies pay a large percentage of their incomes in tax. Too Much to be sustainable really. If the Governments (the people) really want to follow this Climate Hoax. Then they can budget for it with current funds.
Give thanks to Poland for stopping the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior II for their crinimal acts they commited their already in trouble in Peru for messing up the Nazca Lines by the Big Hummingbird They should be put on Community Service and clean up after Earth Day Celebration of a Global Warming/Climate Change protest
The rats are leaving the ship. Pressure in Climate Science is very high to conform. If even this pressure does not work anymore, we are in for exciting times.
The giveaway that this political and not scientific is the fact that archaic methods of power generation relying on wind, sunshine and the phase of the Moon (tidal power) that results in huge CO2 emissions in their manufacture, deployment and maintenance. If this crisis was so serious and the survival of the planet really was at stake the way to deal with it is nuclear. Even then the hazards of nuclear power could be eliminated by thorium reactors, the technology for which has existed for 80 years.
Dear Andrew,
as far as known to me nuclear had the least death toll of all forms of energy till today.
I do not know what thorium shall improve in terms of hazards. There were plenty of projects in the past to use thorium in HTGR, Candu, LWR and all were abandoned to to the hard gamma radiation (232 Th -> 233 U -> 232U) of 232U that is created when using thorium in a nuclear reactor.
There is another, German scientists Lüdecke und Weiss have analysed actual temperature records using Fourier analysis of multiple proxy data sets. They found a collection of cycles accounted for all the recorded interglacial temperature variability, with no signal that would correspond to rising CO2. “All we get is cycles”. They analysed the interglacial period and zoomed in on the last thousand years, and also the time since 1850.
Backwards reconstruction provides a correlation coefficient of 0.84, and a very close match with the record.
Prediction says we are at a turning point with a fall to 2050. DOI: 10.2174/1874282301711010044
Weiss presented this to the Schiller Institute in Europe, and the presentation gives additional info as well as a great insight into the research and its conclusions.
All the cycles detected are directly related to known solar cycles, working in combination to create the overall variation. That’s it. The research turned up another paper that had made very similar conclusion, regarding the causes of the past and the prediction of the futre arising, using just the known facts and established mathematical analysis, no guessed causes with guessed forcings to make the assumed causes fit the reality. Which means the predictions w are more likely to be accurate, AKA real. Because they are made without a pre determined agenda as to cause and effect
EVIDENCE: As well as no signals of CO2 in the natural temperature record, there is also no observational evidence of a CO2 effect on temperature – where it is predicted to occur.
The UHA reports of the tropical tropospheric temperature from NASA’s satellite and balloon data since 1979 show much less evidence of significant change in the GHE in the troposphere where it is predicted to happen and hence to increase temperature at accelerating rates by climate models, if CO2 change is a significant effect. It doesn’t happen as predicted.
The reality of actual measurement is much less than the models. In the words of Freeman Dyson, “because they’re wrong”. So, whoever and whatever causes the CO2, it has very little effect on the GHE. The relationship predicted is not found. They’re wrong.
The only actually detected/observed and significant effect of increasing CO2 on humans is in making the plants grow, feeding us, and greening up formerly barren ares.
Also, as demonstrated more than once using a rigorous deterministic approach, not modelling guesses, applied to actual empirical data, the temperature variability is highly probably a result of several natural solar driven cycles, much smaller in fact in its rate of change than the failed models predict, and apparently dominantly natural, per Ludecke und Weiss and the corroborating work on solar cycles.
How long can the climate change caused by the natural climate change = CO2 rackets last? So much money is being made from from “carbon taxes” and “renewable subsidies”, and so many bogus careers and University funding depend on this now proven fake science, sold as religion you must pay tribute to, in fact as taxes for energy use to governments and massive subsidies to government’s capitalist renewable energy lobbyists, for bogus solutions in energy fact that in fact can’t deliver the energy needed to power the lives and industry of most developed countries.
Money for nothing.
The weight of evidence against the theories of presumptive CO2 as driver of climate change is quite conclusive, the lack of observational evidence for the theories has effectively disproved them by any normal scientific standards. Modellers guessed predictions in presumptive virtual reality computer models are proven wrong when tested by evidence. Because they had no credible basis in provable deterministic science. Where is the real science denial here?
There is another, German scientists Lüdecke und Weiss have analysed actual temperature records using Fourier analysis of multiple proxy data sets. They found a collection of cycles accounted for all the recorded interglacial temperature variability, with no signal that would correspond to rising CO2. “All we get is cycles”. They analysed the interglacial period and zoomed in on the last thousand years, and also the time since 1850.
Backwards reconstruction provides a correlation coefficient of 0.84, and a very close match with the record.
Prediction says we are at a turning point with a fall to 2050. DOI: 10.2174/1874282301711010044
Weiss presented this to the Schiller Institute in Europe, and the presentation gives additional info as well as a great insight into the research and its conclusions.
All the cycles detected are directly related to known solar cycles, working in combination to create the overall variation. That’s it. The research turned up another paper that had made very similar conclusion, regarding the causes of the past and the prediction of the futre arising, using just the known facts and established mathematical analysis, no guessed causes with guessed forcings to make the assumed causes fit the reality. Which means the predictions w are more likely to be accurate, AKA real. Because they are made without a pre determined agenda as to cause and effect
EVIDENCE: As well as no signals of CO2 in the natural temperature record, there is also no observational evidence of a CO2 effect on temperature – where it is predicted to occur.
ALSO the UHA reports of the tropical tropospheric temperature from NASA’s satellite and balloon data since 1979 show no evidence of significant change in the GHE in the troposphere where it is predicted to happen and hence to increase temperature at accelerating rates by climate models, if CO2 change is a significant effect. It doesn’t happen as predicted.
The reality of actual measurement is much less than the models. In the words of Freeman Dyson, “because they’re wrong”. So, whoever and whatever causes the CO2, it has very little effect on the GHE. Not found.
The only actually detected/observed effect of increasing CO2 on humans is in making the plants grow, feeding us, and greening up formerly barren ares.
Also, as demonstrated more than once using a rigorous deterministic approach, not modelling guesses, applied to actual empirical data, the temperature variability is highly probably a result of several natural solar driven cycles, much smaller in fact in its rate of change than the failed models predict, and apparently dominantly natural, per Ludecke und Weiss and the corroborating work on solar cycles.
How long can the climate change caused by the natural climate change = CO2 rackets last? So much money is being made from from “carbon taxes” and “renewable subsidies”, and so many bogus careers and University funding depend on this now proven fake science, sold as religion you must pay tribute to, in fact as taxes for energy use to governments and massive subsidies to governments capitalist renewable energy lobbyists, for bogus solutions in enrgy fact that in fact can’t deliver the energy needed in most developed countries.
Money for nothing.
The weight of evidence against the theories of presumptive CO2 as driver of climate change is quite conclusive, the lack of observational evidence for the theories has effectively disproved them by any normal scientific standards. Modellers guessed predictions in presumptive virtual reality computer models are proven wrong when tested by evidence. Because they had no credible basis in provable deterministic science. Where is the real science denial here?
Desmogblog will do its best to destroy him.
Dr Tim Ball – Historical Climatologist
Book ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’.
Book “Human Caused Global Wa rming”, ‘The Biggest Deception in History’.
BREAKING – Dr. Tim Ball wins @MichaelEMann lawsuit – Mann has to pay
Why not form a panel for honest science on climate change . Not some screening tool to front the ambitions of UN globalists and their rent seekers pals .
Instead of cherry picking bought and paid for scary climate propaganda to repackage have the group of scientists present the latest in scientific based knowledge in the field . There is no point in having a discussion on climate change when over 90% of the influences (Natural climate variables ) are not included in the analysis . Projections of future climate based on a trace gas is scientifically dishonest yet that is what has been going on .
No body bitched too much cause the money was good but it was fraud .
The IPCC didn’t go out of their way to hide the narrowness of their screening but the public has been mislead by people who know better .
Time to replace the story tellers who helped pull the con -job .
Paul, again many thanks.
The way one can hope this works is for honest scientists to continue to speak out against this enormous scam, as they won’t be concerned about being harassed by the forces of the Climate Change Squad, prosecuted or worse still, fired from their jobs.
If this happens, then the consensus has a chance to build, withe the end in mind of forcing those “scientists” who are taking grants to prove that Climate Change is ONLY due to Anthropological production of CO2, which is the mandate of the IPCC commissioned by the United Nations, not just to study average temperature increases ….but to find evidence that this is due only to the carbon dioxide emitted by human activities. In doing so the IPCC’s mandate is not commissioned by the United Nations, to to allow any allowance for any natural cause of climate change. This leaves out all natural factors known to influence climate, such as cyclical changes in solar activity, changes in the earth’s orbit, caused by the gravitational pull of Jupiter, the tilt of Earth’s axis of rotation and the precession of the equinoxes.” sic Balzer, Lynne. The Green New Deal and Climate Change: What You Need to Know . Faraday Science Institute.
“If the IPCC ever admitted that they’d been wrong, they’d go out of business. The pseudoscientists who have so far received over eighty billion dollars in grants would have to find other work.” sic Balzer, Lynne. The Green New Deal and Climate Change: What You Need to Know . Faraday Science Institute.
When someone is robbing you and you have a chance to stop it you do .
Cut the entire funding to the criminal cartel pooping up the IPCC .
Do that and the BS “earth has a fever scam” is over .
Free tax payer money is the fuel to the hoax . Without it the sting operation
folds .
The IPCC is a scam just like most all that which comes from the UN were wasting our money sending it to the Useless Nation which was never ment to bring us World Peace its all about Worlds Goverment run by the Useless Nations
Well this is one article never to appear in the N Y Times , LA Times or Guardian
however the fact that qualified climate scientists are finally speaking out is encouraging . Many of them have been used to provide cover for a $trillion dollar fraud .
Well done Professor Kirstein . The sound you hear isn’t a glacier it’s the whistling sound of hot air deflating the global warming mann made global warming fraud .
So much for the settled science and conscientious .
It was a tax grab married to a group of rent seeking con artists .
There is nothing so strong as greed in the absents of a police man .
MSM and elected officials are part of the heist and they know it .