Geologist Gregory Wrightstone makes a massively compelling case that pretty much everything we have been told about so-called ‘climate change’ is the opposite of the truth.
For the truth on the matter, look no further than the recent Epoch Times interview with Wrightstone, a geologist and author of the bestselling book, Inconvenient Facts: The science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know. [bold, links added]
He is a senior fellow at the Cornwall Alliance and Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition.
It may come as a shock, but I will venture to say that everything you have been told about so-called ‘climate change’ is a lie.
I know, I know… governments and mega-corporations have proven themselves to be so trustworthy since 2020.
In all seriousness, in my experience, the issue of ‘climate change’ is one of the most profoundly entrenched issues in the consciousness of liberals and conservatives alike.
We have been brought up for generations to venerate the environment, recycling, and supposedly renewable energies. And, because of our good-natured love for nature, we don’t see anything wrong with making milk-carton planters or switching to reusable coffee mugs.
It is understandable, as there is nothing virtuous about being wasteful, so we at least in part embrace the “green” revolution as a way of keeping up with the times.
However, it is time to take the “green pill” and see the truth about environmental issues.
Red Pill, Green Pill
Maybe you have already taken the “red pill,” which is to say you have swallowed the hard truth that the institutions and organizations you were brought up to trust were in fact lying to you.
This is not to say that every institution was lying every time, but it is definitely the case that you have been told more lies than you would like to admit. However, you took that red pill and you began to see through all the lies and disorder.
That being said, there are lies that are so deep, lies that are so pervasive that we just don’t see through them, for a variety of reasons.
For one, it is a bit tiring to constantly be “red-pilling” yourself on this or that topic. Learning new things is hard, and embracing completely new paradigms is a lot of work.
But then comes the moment when the paradigm is shoved down your throat and you cannot ignore it any longer. For many, the COVID hysteria presented an opportunity to be red-pilled on the, well, companies and governments who we are supposed to trust about what pills to take.
Presently, we are facing a paradigm of environmental tyranny fueled – pun intended – by what Wrightstone calls the “climate industrial complex.”
The goal of the adherents to this complex is an “end game” of “zero fossil fuels.”
He believes that the governmental and corporate powers that be are so attached to climate zealotry that “they are intentionally inflating energy costs” so that consumers will see supposed “green energy” as a viable option.
The Carbon Lie
The crux of the whole green paradigm is the insistence that too much carbon – whatever that means – is the cause of warming. However, Wrightstone said this is patently false.
For one, he said that carbon (CO2) is in reality a “hugely beneficial molecule” and that the presence of more CO2 has led to better crop yields and a “greening” of the world.
One such benefit of more CO2, he said, is that “more CO2 means less water is needed for crops.”
To dispel the myth that carbon is the cause of warming, he points to historical periods of warming that occurred long before the industrial revolution.
In the Medieval Warm Period, “they were growing barley in Greenland,” he said. “You can’t grow that now.”
To put this in perspective, the climate of present-day Greenland is more like the northern regions of Canada and Russia than a place with a long enough growing season for such a robust crop.
In addition, Wrightstone stated that in Northern England during the Roman Warm Period, “the Romans were growing citrus.” Grapes for wine-making were being grown in England as far north as Hadrian’s Wall.
It is far too cold for any of that now.
The only places you can expect to grow citrus fruits in Europe today are the southern regions of the Mediterranean nations that are known for blisteringly hot summers and mild winters.
Fear The Cold, Welcome The Warm
Admittedly, one of the reasons I have largely rejected the “global warming” narrative is because as a Canadian I view cold temperatures as a bit of a badge of honor.
However, Wrightstone said we should “fear the cold and welcome the warm.”
He added that historically when a warming period would end, civilizations would basically collapse due to a lack of crop yield and a rise in disease. We are in a much better position today with technology to withstand cooling, but in his opinion, warming is our friend.
I would have to agree, and I would also have to believe – according to his statements – that there were periods when it was much warmer in the past, and the human race was better off for it.
Again, as much as I love to embrace the Canadian winter, I would have to admit that if things were to warm up as they had in other golden ages of civilization, there would be great benefits, especially in the expansion of habitable areas of a frozen nation like mine.
As a consolation, we could still have our hockey rinks due to modern refrigeration techniques. Sounds like the best of both worlds to me.
See more here LifeSiteNews
Its all about controlling our lives from Cradle to Grave its about forcing up to live in Beehive type Apartments and going Vegan as well as depending upon mass transit and restricted to your area designated by Big Brother the UN and the Globalists elite
It is the consensus of scientists who support the warmists’ view point and some who do not that the current temperatures today are close to those of the Medieval Warm Period and Roman Warm Period. However, to grow barley in Greenland and grapes and citrus in northern England, it had be a lot warmer than today. This is a very inconvenient truth for those who claim that carbon dioxide is the main control knob for the Earth’s average temperature.
Totally agree with this article and always have since “Climate Change” became an issue. My often repeated comments are these:- 1. Always follow the money; if unrestricted grants and handouts are available it is a rort. 2. Communism is using this as a ploy to infiltrate and destroy the west. Sadly, the west has fallen ‘hook. line and sinker’ for the net zero fable. 3. Control; first environmental controls with layers of red tape, then free speech control by the mega rich Twitter, Facebook and others calling free speech ‘disinformation! Over reach by leaders during Covid, leaders are still behaving as tyrants. Power; we see the Russian and Chinese nations now firmly in the hands of a single person (Shades of the 20th Century) The rise of the UN, the WHO and WEF and the mega rich billionaires who command attention and to be heard. End goal is a Communistic One World Government and a One World Church call Chrislam.
Global Warming/Climate Change is the biggest scam in the entire history of all Mankind a push towards Globalism the UN and its Green Helmets
Exactly. If schoolchildren and journalists were taught the truth, the public would reject en masse the ridiculous notion that 85% of the world’s energy – fossil fuels – could be replaced by energy that doesn’t work when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow. They would realize that life on earth is entirely carbon based. Life is composed entirely of little carbon sacks of water called cells. They would understand that the most important process in life on earth is photosynthesis. The process that literally paints the environment green with its green pigmented enzyme chlorophyll. The process that provides all of life’s energy, all of our carbon based life’s carbon, and all of our atmosphere’s breathable oxygen. All life is solar powered. The photosynthesis formula is sunlight plus CO2 plus H2O converts sunlight to high energy sugar and 100% of our atmosphere’s O2. Further, if they were taught anything about energy, they would understand the civilization that makes us the best fed, longest living, most prosperous human beings that have ever existed is 85% coal, oil, and gas. That far from being “pollution” as our science ignorant US vice president asserts, CO2 is how our carbon-based life on earth grows. And further when we use those fossil fuels, the most important two molecules for life on earth are recycled – CO2 and H2O. All of which makes right from the beginning, coal, oil, and gas the ONLY GREEN ENERGY THAT EXISTS. There is nothing green about solar and wind. They are nothing but an inflationary redundancy on the grid. Any level of CO2 below 2,000ppm is a starvation level low. Our entire greenhouse industry knows this. That’s why they pump up to 1,600ppm CO2 into their greenhouses. It makes life greener, stronger, more drought tolerant, and abundant. Fossil fuels do it for free. The truth is life essential CO2 has been dangerously and inexorably declining from life’s beginning in luxuriant levels more than twenty times today. Fossil fuels recycle our starvation level low levels of life essential CO2. Barry Bateman, lifelong farmer and B.Sc.Advanced (biology)