This paper compares the ideas contained in the main papers published on climate change since World War II to arrive at a suggested consensus of our present knowledge regarding climatic changes and their causes.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide is only suggested as a cause in one theory, which, despite its wide acceptance by politicians, the media, and the public, ignores the findings in other studies, including the ideas found in the Milankovitch Cycles. [emphasis, links added]
It also does not explain the well-known NASA map of the changes between the global 1951-1978 and the 2010-2019 mean annual temperatures.
The other theories by oceanographers, Earth scientists, and geographers fit together to indicate that the variations in climate are the result of differential solar heating of the Earth, resulting in a series of processes redistributing the heat to produce a more uniform range of climates around the surface of the Earth.
Key factors include the shape of the Earth and the Milankovitch Cycles, the distribution of land and water bodies, the differences between heating land and water, ocean currents and gateways, air masses, and hurricanes.
Low atmospheric carbon dioxide levels during cold events could result in too little of this gas to support photosynthesis in plants, resulting in the extermination of most life on Earth as we know it.
The 23 ka [kiloannum] Milankovitch cycle began to reduce the winter insolation received at the surface of the atmosphere in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere starting in 2020.
This results in extreme weather as the winter insolation reaching the surface of the atmosphere in the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere decreases while the summer air temperatures increase.
It heralds the start of the next glaciation. A brief outline is given of some of the climatic changes and consequences that may be expected in Western Canada during the next 11.5 ka.
h/t RO
Read the full paper at MDPI
We know Earth has been cooling very slowly since its creation ~3.5 billion years ago. There is no reason for that cooling to stop so we should know that the long term risk we humans face isn’t with so-called global warming aka climate change.
Fifty years from now, possibly less, we are likely to be in another cooling cycle which will cause a loss of food production and a lot of people to die from starvation. Protection from the cold – home heating, will be another day-to-day problem. Lots of people die when its cold.
Unless there is evidence to the contrary, it would be wise to focus resources on learning how to grow food in cold climates, develop cheap housing design to retain heat and energy systems that keep functioning in cold climates. Also, how to keep graising animals warm and fed in the cold?
What we try to predict today, it seems, excludes the “unknown” that comes from: earthquake, volcano and Earth impacted by a large asteriod. We have witnessed how many people die when an “unknown” strikes and there nothing we can do to prevent them. What we can do is avoid living in high risk areas and have resourses ready to help people when an “unknown” occurs.
Two degrees of warming and more CO2 would be good for us. But – we need to stop listening to snake-oil-salesmen to realise that. Life is good for humans when it’s warm.