Sen. Al Franken (D., Minn.) teamed up with comedian David Letterman for a new web series on climate change titled “Boiling the Frog with Senator Al Franken.”
The series was created by Funny or Die and the team behind “Years of Living Dangerously,” a documentary series about climate change in which Letterman also appeared.
Each episode is only a few minutes long and features Franken teaching Letterman about climate change.
“For a series of video exploring the reality of climate change and threat it poses to our very way of life. So please, like and share this video and stay tuned for more,” Franken says in the first episode.
In a preview for the second episode, viewers hear Franken say, “It’s really the Koch brothers.”
In the same episode, Letterman asks Franken, “The Koch brothers, what are they trying to achieve via this?”
“They just want to be able to feel secure in their retirement,” Franken jokes before saying, “I think it’s kind of power.”
Speaking about climate change, Franken says, “Anyone who is saying this ain’t real is talking through his butt.”
In episode three, Franken brings in fellow Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.) to explain carbon pricing to Letterman.
“Every Republican that has worked this through to a solution out there, essentially all of them come to the same solution” of a revenue-neutral carbon tax,” Whitehouse claims.
Franken in the last episode references conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh for saying sea levels do not rise from melting ice.
According to Franken, Limbaugh came to this conclusion saying if you have a glass of water with ice, the level just stays the same.
“And Rush made that observation I’m sure watching ice melt in a cocktail,” Letterman adds.
At the end of the last episode, Franken says, “I don’t want to take so much time with this that it looks to people like I’m not doing my job,” before wrapping up with an anecdote about joining the Senate to end the series.
Read more at Washington Free Beacon
Sorry, RAGOUT, I’d rather invite a Jehovah’s Witness into my house than argue with a climate skull f***er like you. There’s zero chance you’ll make converts here. Go hang out in the park.
“I’d rather invite a Jehovah’s Witness into my house than argue with a climate skull f***er like you.”…
HEY,HEY, HEY!, you’re making Jehovah’s Witnesses look bad here!
Surely there’s SOMEONE else I’d rather invite…
Let me think…
I’ll get back to you…
Bill Nye the wacko science guy. What sceinists is going to go around wearing a silly little bow tie like he dose?
Bill Nye is really not a scientist…he is a high profile TV Personality.
The FIRST Postulation about Human Activities causing “climate changes” by name.
The FIRST Scientific LINK of Global Warming and Human Activities.
The Legititmate Scientific Community, in 1958, gave a Research Study & Warning t President Eisenhower
about the unrestrained & MASSIVE Dumping of TOXIC industrial waste gasses &
chemicals into our atmosphere & the climate warming Changes it causes.
Complete with tumultuous weather changes: Cold events, Heat waves, Droughts, Rising Sea levels, & Flooding Rain events!
Source: AAAS
(The American Association for the Advancement of Science)
The Scientific Community Delivered a detail Research report in 1965 to President Johnson about the massive,
unrestrained Dumping of TOXIC industrial waste gases & chemicals into our atmosphere &
Global Warming with Climate Changes threatening our populations and economies.
Source: AAAS
Global Warming Science PROJECTED (Spot on, accurate) Changes likely over 50 yrs. into the future (to 2015)
PROJECTED Climate changes:
1. AS PROJECTED: ALL Surface digital weather station measurements register RISING Global TEMPERATURES .
2100+ (NASA NOAA) Ground Stations around the world.
independent News/TV/Radio collected.
Tens of millions of human measures / yr. by well over 30,000 private, independently owned & operated
Digital Weather stations around the world.
ALL Satellite measurements show that the troposphere is warming…& verified by HUNREDS OF THOUSANDS OF
digital weather balloon launches around the world.
ALL Satellite measures of the stratosphere is cooling for 52 straight YEARS, as Projected by anthropogenic global warming
as projected spot-on accurately BASED ON GLOBAL WARMING THEORY & numerous computer models in over 2 dozen countries.
(Strotospheric Cooling “CANNOT” be explained by ANY NATURAL CYCLE !…If direct solar warming is responsible for Climate on earth,
how can 1 atmospheric layer be warming while the layer closer to the sun is actually cooling???)
(CO2 removes sufficient Infra Red Radiation = that the Stratosphere deprived of IR cooling
…If Deniers/Skeptics are to be believed…the heat comes from the sun.
….then the Stratosphere Is FIRST IN LINE to WARM from the sun…how could IT be cooling and the next atmospheric layer, the Troposphere, be warming ….? ?
As projected by Global Warming Theory: Temperatures at the ocean surface & at various ocean depths show * warming as far down as 2000 meters
(after thousands of years cooling)
AS projected: Sea level rise gravitometric measurements of Greenland and Antarctica show net ice loss. HEADLINES: “….“The loss of ice from West Antarctica
between 2009 and 2012 caused a dip in the gravity field over the region,”
writes the ESA, whose GOCE satellite measured the change. Apparently, melting billions of tons of ice year after year has implications….”
National Snow & Ice Data Center registered the ARCTIC AND ANTARCTICA set Satellite Historic Low Ice LEVELS…2016
As Propjected: Ice loss in the Arctic is dramatically accelerating setting low ice records 2015, 2016 etc.
**continuing a 40+ year trend ! Acceleration of melting glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica, particularly within the last few years.
China reports a stunning 18% loss of Ice Packs and Glacier Ice in recent years, Citing Accelerating Global warming & Black Carbon build up
from Coal electric generation locally & around the world.
AS Projected: Poleward migration of species:
The Pine Beetle, for example, has been confined to much warmer southern latitudes for thousands of years by Frigid Northern Climates.
Today, That Beetle is found north of Fairbanks, Alaska !!
AS Projected: Increased hurricane & Storms (numbers &/or intensity) as expected from rising sea surface temperatures
& expanded surface area, with expanding evaporation..
(10 of the 15 Busiest Hurricane Seasons have occurred since 2000.)
Accelerating decline of glaciers throughout the world
Montana’s glacier national park had 150 in 1910 ((& in 1958 when I was there)) today, only 25 remain ! (soon to be 24)
((( at a time when Skeptics & Deniers claim we are Plowing into a new ICE AGE,
…that we will be knee deep in it by 2030 ! Hmmmm! )))
As Projected: The rise of the troposphere altitudes
As Projected: Rise in temperatures at greater depths in the permafrost
As Expected: Rapid expansion of thermokarst lakes throughout parts of Siberia, Canada and Alaska
Russia reports that atmospheric temperatures in Siberia are rising at Twice the world wide average increase.
Changes in ocean circulation as predicted by climate models, for example, with temperatures rising more quickly overland
AS expected: Disintegration of permafrost coastlines in the arctic
AS expected: Changes in the altitude of the stratosphere
ALSO, AS expected: An energy imbalance-the earth is receiving more energy than it emits (Hansen 2005) Verified.
…every monthly compilation of energy readings registers the same imbalance
…increasing energy staying within the earth’s atmosphere rather than escaping to space.
(These findings are verified by detailed satellite data from 3 different nation’s satellites)
Poleward movement of the jet streams
SOURCE: (Archer 2008)
SOURCE: (Seidel 2007)
SOURCE: (Fu 2006)
The 270 Largest Fresh Water Lakes in the world are ALL rising in temperatures, TWICE as fast as the atmosphere.
Algae Blooms and mass fish die-offs have doubled.
Flooding Rain Events have far more than doubled.
Deserts world wide are expanding.
The Number of droughts has more than doubled AND the Square Miles affected have more than doubled.
Heat Waves have more than Doubled.
The world is greening, primarily at higher altitudes on mountains and in far norther latitudes
and far southern lattitudes as snow is replaced by vegitation. So let’s remember that Snow/Ice Reflects I.R. Heat back to space
..but vegitation absorbs MORE heat on Earth.
“….Robin Bell, an Antarctic researcher at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Institute at Columbia University who was not involved in the study. “Who had heard of rain in Antarctica — it is a desert!….”
” Our ability to analyze and adapt is what makes humans the dominant species on the planet.
Spitting on that, is spitting on what makes us, us !
In the 70s,
when scientists told us that CFCs used in aerosol sprays and refrigeration had punched a hole in the Ozone Layer
and their continued use would render the planet uninhabitable to humans,
we listened and A VERY CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN banned them.
The hole is closing and we’re safe from a world poisoned by ultraviolet radiation.
HUMANS can correct CLIMATE CHANGES they have caused.
Drew, your rants clearly aren’t long enough. You need to go for at least 50 pages of regurgitated, paid-for, impossibly complex, data-“adjusted” modeling to ever convince us that there is a man-made mega problem here.
Then you’ll need to explain why all the “solutions” for this “scientific” problem all involve socialist economic and political reforms rather than anything involving science…
I’ll look forward to your next War and Peace publication.
P.S., Be sure to translate it into some form of English. Whole sentences of ALL CAPS don’t make your work irrefutable either…
Let’s hope Letterman’s venture into climate comedy is funnier than
the late night garbage he flogged .
I used to think Dave was funny , but we got old and lost our sense of humor.
Dave now reminds me of Al Gore after botching his presidential election. He now also sports the Ted Kazynski crazy beard and sounds like a pathetic dooms day profit who has lost whatever sense of humor and perspective he once had.
Yeah, Pretty much! those kind only look after their kind! That is how they work, Bottom line!!!
If they gave up now, it would look like an admission of failure or guilt. They don’t want to watch the audience leave early, so they crank it up
They figure they can keep it up until the next election , after all talk is cheap. Keep shuffling the temperature data to make every year hotter than ever. IPCC is waiting to take America back, they have no choice.
OUR Holocene Optimum Inter Glacial Warming Period
(temperature peak) was reached 7500 Year Ago !
We have slowly been descending toward the NEXT GLACIATION (ice age).
Powerful cyclical Glaciations are Linked directly to Our Earth’s Eliptical Orbit.
(an oval orbit = closer to or farther from the sun)
Earth Axis tilt (toward or away from the sun) ,
Combined with Green House gases which rise or fall following the Milankovitch cycles.
After our 7500 year slow motion DESCENT into the next glaciation (ICE AGE) came to a halt 1750 to 1800.
….. . . . .that stop was so abrupt,
a FRENCH ASTRONOMER-Physicist of the day
published his concern that the industrial revolution, its pollution could be so powerful
that it could alter the climate…warm the climate
……that was in 1811.
“… humans have known about anthropogenic (man made) global warming (AGW) for almost 220 years.
A National Geographic piece,
Why Is the Man Who Predicted Climate Change Forgotten?,
names Alexander von Humboldt, 1799 as a founding father of global warming science.
The Guardian names George Perkins Marsh as the author of
“the 1847 lecture that predicted human-induced climate change.”
“The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was laboratory demonstrated & proved in the mid-19th century.”
Frequently questioned (many dozens of times) by prestigious scientific teams in Many different institutions!
… who only added greater credibility to Global Warming Science!
…..and they added more SOLID Emperical Evidence verifying Global Warming Science.
**Fifty-nine years ago, on Oct. 28, 1956, the New York Times ran a story in their Science in Review section entitled
‘Warmer climate on the earth may be due to more carbon dioxide in the air.’”
**The Legitimate Scientific Community issued a Research Report & WARNING about Dumping huge quantities of
Toxic Industrial Waste gases into our atmosphere (for over a century at that time) to President Eisenhower in 1958.
Source: AAAS
**The Legitimate Scientific Community issued a Research Report & Warning
(as well as ominous projections of Climate changes expected to be apparent by 2015 (50yrs))
to President Johnson in 11/5/1965.
WORLD Warning:
ENTIRE forests & FARM Fields were browning & dying, the legitimate scientific community reported that
amounts of INDUSTRIAL TOXIC waste Gases & Chemicals were being disposed of by Dumping into the atmosphere, for over the last century.
How could anyone believe Dumping huge quantities of TOXIC gases/chemicals into our atmosphere, for centuries, would have
An Arch Conservative Republican President along with science, took quick precise action.
…those Forests & Fields have been Saved or Replanted.
*******WORLD Warning:
Epidemics of Skin Cancers around the globe, were examined by the Legitimate scientific community,
and found the Industrial/Commericial TOXIC Gases & Chemicals were being Dumped into our atmosphere.
Another Conservative Republican President took quick efficient action and last month we learned that
the OZONE HOLE has shrunk by 20%.!
How could anyone believe that Dumping huge quantities of TOXIC gases into
our atmosphere for centuries would have
Fossil Fuel TOXIC WASTE PRODUCTS have been pumped into the atmosphere in
** FAR MORE MASSIVE ** amounts than the Gases & Chemicals we already LEARNED damaged the atmosphere,
the world’s environment & climate.
the Threat is Apparent.
I always seek scientific guidance from has-been comedians. 😉
Didnt someone write a book AL FRANEKN IS A BUCKTOOTHED MORON? well he still is a BuckToothed Moron
The parade of left-wing Comic-Con freaks who present themselves as scientific experts is never ending.
Stop asking questions and stop doubting our paid-for “science” NOW!
World socialism lead by compassionate geniuses (like ourselves) is the only answer! NOW, before it’s too late!
Hmmmm… sounds like shouts from the near-vertical poop deck of the Titanic as it is slipping beneath the waves. One last desperate attempt for the left to sell the sinking scam.
Franken and Letterman Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Stupid these two nit-wits are typical liberals with their walnut sized brains
Election fraud Franken will now become
Climate fraud Franken
Great job, al
People will not be laughing with you anymore
They WILL BE laughing at you.