The prominent, progressive magazine The Nation published an article today claiming the current trajectory for sea-level rise is 20-or-more feet during the next 100 to 200 years.
Unfortunately for The Nation, but fortunately for objective truth and climate realism, the current trajectory for sea-level rise is merely one foot per century.
Google News this morning is promoting The Nation’s article among its top results under the search term “climate crisis.”
The Nation article, titled “How Warming Oceans Are Accelerating the Climate Crisis,” claims, “Humans have locked in at least 20 feet of sea-level rise.”
The article also claims, “If seas rise 20 feet or more over the next 100 to 200 years – which is our current trajectory – the outlook is grim. In that scenario, there could be two feet of sea-level rise by 2040, three feet by 2050, and much more to come.”
According to NASA and NOAA satellite instruments, sea level is rising at a mere 3 millimeters per year, which is a pace of just under one foot per century.
(Note, the NASA/NOAA-reported 3.3 mm/year rise in Global Mean Sea Level includes a 0.3 mm “adjustment” that accounts for land rising as glaciers melt. The sea-level rise in relation to coastal shorelines is therefore 3.0 mm/year.)
Moreover, the satellite measurements show no significant acceleration during recent decades in the pace of sea-level rise.
Given that seas are rising at a pace of merely one foot per century, which is little if any faster than the pace of sea-level rise throughout the global warming of the 1800s and 1900s, it is almost certain that seas will not rise 20 feet during the next 100 to 200 years. It is also almost certain that seas will not rise two feet during the next 20 years.
Climate activists that are simply making stuff up, with the media then reporting on the made-up B.S. as if it is settled science, is par for the course these days in the media’s coverage of the climate debate.
However, when judging the relative credibility of climate activists versus climate realists, The Nation article provides an objective measuring stick by which people can assess the credibility and so-called “settled science.”
If sea level rises two feet or more between now and 2040, climate activists are vindicated and have earned credibility.
If sea level does not rise two feet or more between now and 2040, climate realists are vindicated and climate activists have lost any asserted credibility.
Climate activists and your lackey media, do you agree to accept such a challenge or would you like to retract your ridiculous sea-level claims?
Read more at Climate Realism
And the media’s viewership is dropping 20 times faster than they expected.
Just where is the evidence of such a rapid increase in the rate of sea level rise? It has been pretty constant since records began about 130 years ago. Just how can the claims be justified?
I would like to place a bet-n dependent upon the actual sea level (tide adjusted) in early 2040. If the sea rises by say 4 feet, I pay double the wagered amount. If it rises by those 2 feet, I pay out the wagered amount. However, if it is more like 2 inches, I get paid out proportionally- 12 times the wagered amount. Be kind to them and cap it at 10x. as paper money will probably be defunct by then, it will have to be in precious metals. Bit of an issue who stores it.
Mind you, it is likely that ownership of precious metals will be banned by 2040, like the dastardly act of the Federal Reserve forcing people to exchange their gold for paper currency. The People should have risen then-their wealth was forcibly traded for paper on threat of confiscation of their assets and imprisonment. When that paper currency collapses, the Federal Reserve will have effectively stolen all that gold. Perhaps the descendants of those that had their gold taken should be allowed to swap their paper money for the gold that was taken a century ago- at the same $35 an ounce. I think it would actually be fitting if the banksters were forced to hand back all the gold and other assets they paid for effectively by counterfeiting.
Dr Tim Ball – Historical Climatologist
Book: ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’
Book: ‘Human Caused Global Warming, the Biggest Deception in History’
If liberal rags like Time which pushes fake science like Evolution and Climate Change and support Gun Control and the New York Pravda(Times)which lies to their readers every day its no wonder Americans no longer trusts the M.S. Media
Did I just read you state that Evolution is fake science? Gasps! Realy?!
Here we go again. They are losing the publicity battle, so they ramp up the propaganda even more. But don’t worry, our Climate Czar will save us all …