Efforts to stampede the USA and world into forsaking fossil fuels and modern farming continue apace.
UN and other scientists recently sent out news releases claiming July 2019 was the “hottest month ever recorded on Earth” – nearly about 1.2 degrees C (2.2 degrees F) “above pre-industrial levels.”
That era happens to coincide with the world’s emergence from the 500-year Little Ice Age. And “ever recorded” simply means measured; it does not include multiple earlier eras when Earth was much warmer than now.
Indeed, it is simply baseless to suppose that another few tenths of a degree (to 1.5 C above post-Little Ice Age levels) would somehow bring catastrophe to people, wildlife, agriculture and planet. It is equally ridiculous to assume all recent warming has been human-caused, with none of it natural or cyclical.
Moreover, as University of Alabama-Huntsville climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer has noted, this past July was most likely not the warmest. The claim, he notes, is based on “a limited and error-prone array of thermometers which were never intended to measure global temperature trends.”
The measurements come primarily from airports and urban areas that are artificially warmed by cars, jets, asphalt, air conditioning exhausts and other human heat sources that warm the measuring sites as much as ten degrees F above temperatures in rural areas just 10 to 25 miles away. They do not reflect satellite data or “global reanalysis estimates” that would give a much more accurate picture.
The “hottest month” assertions also ignore major changes in measurement technologies, especially for ocean data, over the past 100-150 years.
Perhaps most important, they ignore the paucity or absence of data for millions of square miles of oceanic, Siberian, Arctic and other regions, many of which have much cooler temperatures that would drive “average planetary temperature” figures downward. (And let’s not forget the record cold temperatures recorded for February 2019 in many parts of the world.)
The news media, however, dutifully repeated the spurious hottest-ever assertion as fact – and made no effort to seek out or quote skeptical experts like Spencer.
Far worse, most of the experts who developed and propagated the “overheated planet” claims know all of this. But they have a narrative, an agenda, and are not going to let inconvenient facts get in the way. The “mainstream media” behaves similarly.
Then, a few days later, the same doom-saying “experts” issued dire warnings that global agriculture is on the brink of disaster.
A “landmark report” by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said our dangerously warming planet is continuing to damage lands and forests, imperiling mankind’s ability to produce food. Climate change has become a growing danger to global food supplies, it intoned.
Prolonged rains well into the 2019 Midwestern US spring season certainly delayed planting and could affect 2019 corn and other harvests. However, bumper crops elsewhere in the world cast serious doubt on this latest round of IPCC and media fear-mongering.
India’s rabi (winter) wheat crop weighed in at an official record of 101.2 million tons. Near-record corn (maize) exports and sunflower seed harvests were forecast for Ukraine.
In Argentina, wheat farmers expect a record harvest. In Crimea too. The Canadian National Railway logged all-time grain movement records. The USDA’s October 2018 Crop Report showed record northern USA canola production.
Better hybrid seeds, biotech seeds, and modern fertilizers, pesticides, tractors and farming practices all played a role, as did weather that cooperated with farmers, if not with climate alarmists.
However, another major factor is more carbon dioxide (CO2) in Earth’s atmosphere – which helps crop, forest and grassland plants grow faster and better, and also withstand droughts better.
In fact, Dr. Craig Idso has estimated, rising CO2 levels generated some $3.2 trillion in cumulative extra global crop yields between 1961 and 2011, and another $9.8 trillion in predicted CO2-enhanced global crop harvests by 2050.
And now, in a bout of schizophrenia, the IPCC has further muddled its climate chaos message. Now it claims modern agriculture is not just a “victim of climate change.”
It also causes climate chaos and must thus be part of “the solution.” Agriculture is responsible for over a quarter of total global greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide and methane), and therefore must change its practices “to save the world.”
Plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide is 0.04% of the atmosphere, and methane represents 0.00017% – of which one-third is from natural sources (termites, swamps and bogs) and two-thirds from human activities: 39% of that from fossil fuels, 16% from landfills, 9% from waste management and 27% from farms.
In other words, agricultural methane could possibly be 27% of two-thirds of 0.00017% of atmospheric methane (CH4) – and that barely detectable 0.00003% (30¢ out of $1-million) of the atmosphere is supposedly driving dangerous manmade climate change. And based on that, we must change our farming and eating habits.
Instead of beef, humans must switch to “nutritious and environmentally sound” alternatives like green pepper, soy, asparagus and squash, says the IPCC. Instead of the full package of beef, pork and poultry, we should eat buckwheat, soy, pears and kidney beans – or other “globally optimal plant replacements.” Of course, locusts, grasshoppers, grubs and other insects are also excellent protein sources, it notes.
The 20,000-some activists, bureaucrats and politicians heading to Salt Lake City for the August 26-28 UN climate change and sustainability conference will no doubt be following that sage advice. (Perhaps they’ll share their menu and Bugs Not Beef recipes.)
They could also have had a global teleconference, instead of flying and driving halfway around the world – instead of spending millions of dollars, consuming millions of gallons of aviation and vehicle fuel, and emitting prodigious quantities of CO2 and CH4.
But they’re much more comfortable lecturing the hoi polloi of humanity on how we must travel, eat, and heat and cool our homes (no cooler than a comfortable 82 F in summer, say EPA-Energy Star experts) in more sustainable and climate friendly ways.
UN elites much prefer to tell the poorest people on the planet how much they will be “permitted” to develop and improve their living standards.
Dangerous man-made climate change “deniers” like me were of course not invited to participate in this taxpayer-financed UN event. We never are. So the Heartland Institute organized a separate August 26 program nearby, at which alternative evidence and perspectives will be presented and live-streamed.
Heartland speakers will explain why climate change is some 97% natural, not manmade (contrary to that phony 97% consensus that says otherwise); and why real-world evidence does not support IPCC claims about dangerously rising seas, increasingly violent storms or worsening droughts. My talk will focus on why biofuel, wind, solar and battery technologies are not clean, green, renewable or sustainable.
I will point out for example that replacing 100% of US gasoline with ethanol would require some 360 million acres of corn – seven times the land area of Utah. Replacing the more than 25 billion megawatt-hours of electricity the world consumed in 2018 would require some 100 million 400-foot-tall 1.8-MW bird and bat-butchering wind turbines that would actually generate electricity only about 20% of the time.
Assuming just 15 acres apiece, those monster turbines would require some 1.5 billion acres – nearly 80% of the entire Lower 48 United States! And those wind turbines would need some 200 times more raw materials per megawatt than combined-cycle gas turbine power plants. Building and installing them would require massive increases in mining and quarrying all across the globe.
The UN and IPCC delegations and Green New Dealers absolutely do not want to talk about any of this – much less about slave and child labor for cobalt, rare earth and other metals that are the foundation for their make-believe “renewable, sustainable, no-fossil-fuel” future. No wonder they don’t invite us.
These are vitally important issues. They demand robust, evidence-based debates – with all interested and affected parties participating – including the world’s poor and manmade climate chaos skeptics.
Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (www.CFACT.org) and author of books, reports and articles on energy, climate change, sustainability and human rights.
I have always like the description of “average global termperature” as being about as meaningful as an average worldwide telephone number. With current data and avalable measurement methods, we can only rely on satellite observations to determine what worldwide trends are taking place. Surface measure cannot possible tell us what temperature trends are and the satellite indicate that the global heat budget is very well balanced.
Thanks, Boxorox.
Average Telephone number.
AT, phone home.
More on record breaking temperatures
Think about facing something like these record events and having to depending upon “the renewables”.
PARIS AP Tuesday was the coldest March 11 in the 85- year history Weather Bureau with the highest temperature not exceeding 33 degrees fahrenheit. snow fell intermittently.
Albuquerque Journal
Albuquerque, New Mexico
12 Mar 1958, Wed
Scores die in European cold wave
By The Associated Press Trains froze to the tracks today in Britain, soldiers and police in East Europe were called into emergency duty and scores of cold-related deaths were reported as a Siberian winter blast sent temperatures plunging across the continent. In Turkey, 13 people were killed Monday when avalanches buried five homes in two villages in the province of Tunceli. The Soviet news agency Tass said avalanches killed 29 people in Soviet Georgia. Dozens of other deaths have been reported in weather-related accidents across Europe since extreme cold weather hit four days ago. France suffered record cold. Shelters in Paris were full to overflowing and subway stations were opened to the homeless, snow dusted palm trees on the French Riviera and five deaths in France were blamed on the weather. A bus skidded on ice today near Bidache, France, near Spain, striking a 28-year-old man and his 6-year-old daughter on the sidewalk. Both father and daughter died of their injuries. The coldest temperature in France was 44 below zero, recorded at Morteau near the Swiss border in a region known as Little Siberia.
Fishing vessels in Norway port gather ice as Europe continues in deep freeze.
Residents of Nice and other cities on the French Riviera woke up to find a light coat of snow on the palms along the Promendade des Anglais. Winds whipped snow into drifts nearly 20 feet high in Britain. An 84-year-old woman in Wales in was found dead in her house which had no hot water, no gas and no electricity. About 600 passengers were trapped in seven snowbound, unheated trains for up to 10 hours Monday night, with overnight temperatures falling to 10 degrees, the lowest in Britain for 25 years. Even Londons Big Ben was affected by the cold Monday, with one of its bells producing only a dull bong when it struck the hour
The Independent-Record
Helena, Montana
13 Jan 1987, Tue
Telegrams’ from the central parts of France record exceptionally cold weather. On Tuesday night, at Chalons-sur-Saone, seven degrees Fahrenheit of frost were registered, and crops suffered severely.
Liverpool Mercury, etc.
Liverpool, Merseyside, England
13 May 1897, Thu
LONDON The third and worst blizzard in 12 days swept through England as the death count in Europe’s record cold wave neared the 1,000 mark. Most of Europe’s record cold wave neared the 1,000 mark. Most of Europe remained in a “deepfreeze” with more bad weather predicted after two weeks of winter storms which have claimed at least 933 lives.
Daily Northwest Alabamian
Haleyville, Alabama
04 Jan 1963, Fri
Heavy Snowfall Blankets Rome
Europe’s Record Cold Wave Fatal to 627
LONDON AP Europe relentless cold wave claimed nine more victims today, bringing the three-week death toll to at least 627. The new fatalities reported included five persons frozen to death in Italy, two in Germany and two in Austria. Six inches of fresh snow fell overnight In Rome, blanketing the city in the heaviest cover in the memory of residents. It was Romes second heavy snowfall in two weeks. , 90 Villages Isolated More than 90 Italian villages still were isolated despite gigantic relief operations. New snows also swept over London and southern England. Scores more were believed dead in Iron Courtain countries such as Czechoslovakia and Hungary which nffvrprt the worst of the weather attacks. Paris Shivers Paris shivered in its coldest Feb. 18 on record 14 degrees above zero. The previous low for the date was 18 in 1892. Vienna reported 5 degrees below zero for its coldest reading of the past 24 hours. Flood warnings were sounded in four German towns after the ice-jammed Rhine River rose four feet in an hour. The flood danger passed shortly after midnight.
Lancaster New Era
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
18 Feb 1956, Sat
Nature’s Magic
Europe’s record cold spell turned Lilafuered falls, a tourist attraction near the Carpathian Mountain resort town of Miskolc in northeastern Hungary, into a colonnade of ice. At least 430 people have died in Europe as a result of the deep freeze, the longest on record.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Louis, Missouri
07 Jan 1997
London, Dec. 20 (U.R). Deaths by freezing mounted into the hundreds tonight as the cold wave enveloping Eu rope caused intense suffering and widespread crop damage. Violent gales swept the Black Sea. the Baltic and North Sea. as temperatures in the third day of sub zero weather reached record lows for the century or longer in parts of England,” France and Germany.
Blizzards added to the suffering of millions. The plight of Jewish refugees huddling along the German-Polish and Czechoslovakian borders caused increased concern.
In Great Britain, thirty-nine deaths were attributed to the cold. Rumania reported eleven known dead; Hungary 2. Czechoslovakia 3, while seventy persons were reported frozen to death in the Lodz area of Poland. Ten German-Jewish refugees died from influenza on the German Polish frontier. The death toll in France reached twenty-three.
Winter crops were damaged in parts of Germany, England and France. Extensive property losses from fire were reported from Bucharest to London as hose lines froze.
Temperatures of 27 degrees below were reported in Poland and 49 below in Russia. London shivered in the coldest December morning in forty seven years when the mercury went to 23 above zero. Temperatures in France ranged down to zero and the coldest weather in sixty-one years was forecast. Berlin experienced the coldest December day in eighty years.
Meanwhile Iceland basked in a temperature of 43 above zero.
Daily News
New York, New York
21 Dec 1938, Wed
Weather fact The severe winter in most of the United States is also being felt in Europe. Record cold temperatures and heavy snows have caused over 200 deaths. In some ports, boats are frozen in.
Star Tribune
Minneapolis, Minnesota
04 Jan 1997, Sat
Gypsy Tribe of 34 Reported Frozen To Death In Europe
By Clifford L. Day (U. P. Staff Correspondent) (Copyright 1929 by United Press) LONDON, Feb. 13. Like the devastlng plagues of the middle ages, Europe has been stricken by the deadliest winter in living memory.
Storms, cold and disease have Killed more tnan 10,000 persons so far, reliable statistics gathered by the United Press in 11 countries showed today, with Indications that the toll already may have reached 20,000.
Yet the intense cold that has settled on the continent from the Siberian Steppes to the Mediterranean has only now attained Its peak of intensity. Middle Europe experienced temperatures as low as 20 degrees below zero. The bulk of the deaths were due to Influenza, pneumonia and similar diseases, which were responsible for approximately 2,500 deaths Is France alone and 2,100 In 107 Headinc cities of England and Wales. At least 250 were drowned In shipwrecks In the 11 countries surveyed, while more than 100 were frozen to death. Others were eaten by wolves, made bold by hunger.
The cold broke all records, or records of many years, In nearly all countries. Hospitals everywhere were overcrowded. In some countries, notably Belgium, barracks were converted into hospitals. Death Toll Mounts
LONDON The death toll from Europe’s record-breaking cold wave mounted today with 87 specific deaths reported since Saturday and many other deaths rumored In Roumania, Switzerland, and Belgium. A gypsy tribe of 31 men, women and children were reported frozen to death near Lubin, Poland, where they had camped, and five smugglers were burled in an avalanche of snow and ice as they operated near the Brenner Pass. Forty-eight other deaths In various parts of Europe, Including several, who were eaten by starving wolves, were reported earlier. Thirty steamers, chiefly Swedish, Norwegian and British vessels were Icebound. Food supplies wen low on some of them. Sixteen hundred passengers were (Continued on Page Two
Mount Carmel Item
Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania
13 Feb 1929, Wed
Europe Has Record Cold For Christmas Weather.
By Associated Press. PARIS, Dec, 27. Christmas brought real winter to western Europe. All France is freezing, with scores of deaths reported in the last three days; the temperature is below zero along the Swiss border, and dispatches from Lisbon say the Portugese capital is under a blanket of snow something unheard of in that locality. The snowfall in Lisbon began Saturday night. When the shivering populace awoke It was to find a city of white shining under a brilliant sun. So unusual was thep henomenon that the people were almost alarmed. France Is unaccustomed to extreme cold and the number of deaths in this country is attributed to that fact. There is an inch of ice on Paris lakes.
Austin American-Statesman
Austin, Texas
27 Dec 1926, Mon
By Alina Wolfe Murray Associated Press BUCHAREST, Romania — More than 650 people have died in Eastern Europe’s record cold, authorities said Wednesday, as officials in the Czech Republic blamed two massive car crashes on blinding snow. Since the end of January, the region has been pummeled by the deep freeze, which has brought the heaviest blizzards in recent memory. Tens of thousands have been trapped in homes and villages by walls of snow and unpassable roads, and offi – cials have struggled to reach out to the vulnerable with emergency food airlifts. Authorities in Russia said 205 people have died this year in the frigid cold, while Ukraine has had 112 cold fatalities and Poland 107. Seven people died in Romania within 24 hours, bringing the total there to 86 deaths. In Lithuania, there have been 23 deaths. Deaths were also reported in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and Slovenia. About 100 damaged cars blocked a major highway in the Czech Republic connecting the capital, Prague, with the eastern part of the country and Slovakia. Seven people were injured in two separate accidents, authorities said, warning it could be hours before the mangled vehicles are cleared. Some 40 cars crashed before midday Wednesday during a heavy snowstorm 188 miles east of Prague, injuring two people. Dozens of vehicles, including a bus, were involved in a separate crash southeast of Prague. In Romania, some 23,000 people remain isolated in 225 eastern communities where more than a week of heavy snow has blocked roads and wreaked havoc on the rail network. Residents were worried that their houses could collapse under the heavy snow. A flight instructor made several 45-minute trips with his homemade ultralight to deliver bread and canned food to people who have been cut off for days. Death toll at 650 in frigid Europe Tens of thousands trapped in homes by the heavy snow.
Dayton Daily News
Dayton, Ohio
16 Feb 2012, Thu
And finally………….
Consider the following from Asheville Citizen-Times with this caveat: The Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of cooling lasting approximately from the 14th to the mid-19th centuries, although there is no generally agreed start or end date: some confine the period to 1550-1850.
Asheville Citizen-Times, Asheville, North Carolina, 16 May 2013, Thu
“It’s obvious that the weather is getting warmer. I’ve read some of the science to know that if things get too warm, life as we know it will not be sustainable. I’ve seen Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy, massive droughts in the farmland this summer, Europe experienced record cold temperatures this summer, and sea levels are rising. I’m just very concerned about future generations,” Norris said of the already noticeable effects of climate change. “I think climate change is the greatest moral issue of our time,”
Norris?? is right! Ignoring climate history and promoting a political agenda through alarmist propaganda using fake science IS a great moral issue OF THE LOWEST KIND.
PARIS HEAT RECORD BROKEN. By the Associated Press. Paris, May 25 -Wednesday was the hottest May here for 116 years. The theremometer hitting 96.1 degrees. Other cities of Europe reported unseasonably high temperatures.
The Missoulian
Missoula, Montana
26 May 1922, Fri
Paris Heat Record PARIS (P) The most chic restaurant in Paris served shirt-sleeved customers Thursday as the mercury hit an all time July 4 high of 97. Office workers skipped lunch In order to flock to the swimming pools along the Seine.
Albuquerque Journal
Albuquerque, New Mexico
05 Jul 1957, Fri
PARIS HEAT RECORD PARIS (IP) It was 105.6 degrees Monday, the hottest day in Paris’ 74 years of recorded weather history.
Battle Creek Enquirer
Battle Creek, Michigan
29 Jul 1947, Tue
PARIS HEAT RECORD PARIS, Aug. 12 (AP) Paris today suffered its hottest day in twenty-one years. The peak tern perature was 91-73 fahrenheit.
Statesman Journal
Salem, Oregon
13 Aug 1932, Sat
Paris Heat Record PARIS (AP)-Paris had Its hottest April 13 on record. The high was 77.
Great Falls Tribune
Great Falls, Montana
14 Apr 1959, Tue
They simply can’t have the historic data to establish these small temperature changes. How did anyone “calibrate” a bristle cone pine to an accuracy of 1 decimal place? There is no historic temperature record for most of the earth’s surface, 2/3 rds water and much of the land mass unpopulated and only recently explored. This whole scam is so obvious it’s untrue.
Lying in plain sight.
“Forecast” daily high temperatures are finding there way in to the “recorded” daily high temperature logs.
Every human being on Earth would fit in Texas, and each would have a hundred square feet to pitch a tent, or a cardboard box. That’s without stacking them up in high rise condos. The rest of the civilized world could then be levelled and returned to whatever it was before… see how easy that was?
what will happen to all the garbage put out by the warmists given the bombshell win by Dr.Ball over Michael Mann in Canada? The “Hockey Stick” was key to their fraud- –
The UN the Useless Nations it has never ever been about World Peace its all about World Goverment its all about America surrendering its soventry toa World Goverment its time to kill the UN Octopus and evict these tyrants,terrorists and crinimals from America