The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has rejected a case brought by 10 families against the European Union.
The families claimed that the bloc’s inaction on climate change was harming their homes and livelihoods, lawyers said on Wednesday.
Plaintiffs from the EU, Kenya, and Fiji had filed the case in May of last year, saying climate change had already seriously impacted their lives and damaged their ability to make a living.
The plaintiffs included a family from the German island of Langeoog, who said those living on small islands would be the first to lose their homes to rising sea levels.
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There was also a family from the Italian Alps who said that a shorter winter was leading to fewer tourists coming to the region for winter sports, a Swedish reindeer herder, and a Portuguese forester who lost a large portion of his property to wildfires in 2017.
‘People’s Climate Case’ will be appealed
Lawyers for the “People’s Climate Case” have said they will appeal the decision by the ECJ that individuals cannot sue the European Union for its environmental policy.
The judges found that “every individual is likely to be affected one way or another by climate change,” but that this was no legal grounds to file a complaint against the EU.
Read more at Deutsche Welle
These lawsuits should be based upon facts and science not the Paranoid rantings from a bunch of Eco-Freaks
Talk about Paranoid these ten families have become paranoid perhaps they would stop Watching Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio and reading the poppycock in some liberal news rag this Judge is of Common Sense and rejects this load of poppycock
Smart judge . The people who should be sued are the ones responsible for producing false information about the climate and humans role which leads to
10’s of thousands of completely avoidable fuel poverty deaths .
Climate modelers pumping out complete BS to feed politicians who are then enabled to impose policies that favor their pals and kill people .
The climate modelers deliver what they are asked in order to make money .
Without them and tax payer money being fed into the bonfire the whole scam collapses .