Despite EPA staffers complaining about President Donald Trump’s proposed budget cuts, it still didn’t stop them from charging taxpayers $15,000 for gym memberships.
Receipts obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show the Las Vegas Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) division purchased one-year “Super-Sport” 24 Hour Fitness memberships for 37 employees worth $399.99 a year.
The freeloading employees work at the EPA’s division in Las Vegas across the street from the University of Nevada (UNLV).
The EPA branch is also home to a library and research laboratory on campus, where EPA employees and contractors conduct research. The agency also leases five buildings from the university.
The revelations come after EPA employees told media outlets they were extremely upset with the president’s proposed budget cuts released last month.
In it, Trump brought EPA spending down to 1992 levels, or $5.7 billion. Some employees have reported going to work in tears while others are demoralized over Trump’s victory.
Lets see them do some jumping Jerks its like jumping jacks only its dome by money hungry liberal cheats
Put that fitness to work in their new job search .
The rot at the EPA is just starting to be exposed after 2 Obama terms of neglect .
How many coal workers had gym memberships paid for ?
Love to see the “sick ” day records too .
More tax money poured down the drain of goverment waste so these little wanks can attend the gym classes ride their bikes play a few round of handball or use the paralle bars
Making and enforcing obnoxious regulations takes a physical toll on these people. If they need to put their hand in our pocket and call it love, who are we to object?
C’mon yous cheapskates. Their commitment and diligence ended the drought. A participation trophy wouldn’t cut it.
Time for them to receive their pink-slips and new job as a sanatation worker