At least eighteen environmental groups filed four lawsuits in one day against the Trump administration, including suits to keep in place Obama-era environmental policies.
Environmentalists filed their suit Wednesday. They are living up to threats made after President Donald Trump took office — namely, to use the courts to preserve Obama administration policies. These include orders that stop offshore drilling and force the closure of coal plants.
The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) led eight other groups in a legal challenge of Trump’s recent executive order to reopen large swaths of Arctic seas to offshore drilling. LCV is one of the many environmental groups that endorsed Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election.
“Never in LCV’s history have we taken this step,” Gene Karpinski, LCV’s president, said in a statement. “The permanent protections President Obama established for the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans were won with years of research, lobbying and organizing.”
The suit argues Obama used his authority Section 12(a) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to put most Arctic waters off-limits to development. The act does not allow future presidents to undo placing waters off-limits, activists argue.
The same day, Earthjustice and the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) filed suits to challenge the administration. Earthjustice sued to stop the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision to indefinitely stay the implementation of wastewater discharge rules for coal plants.
CBD filed suit against EPA for not finalizing deadlines for the cities of Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia to meet ozone standards. CBD also sued for Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt’s emails and schedule. Earthjustice and CBD joined LCV’s suit against Trump’s EPA.
So far, CBD has filed 15 lawsuits against the administration, something which the activist group publicly brags about.
We’ve sued #Trump every week since 1/22. 3 suits today brings total to 15! Help us protect the Arctic from him:
— Center for Bio Div (@CenterForBioDiv) May 3, 2017
CBD famously sued the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to stop the construction of a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. CBD wants the court to force DHS to conduct a “programmatic environmental impact statement” on border enforcement operations.
Trump can expect more lawsuits as he continues to rollback Obama-era policies. Environmentalists spent years lobbying and campaigning to get such policies in place.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), for example, played a pivotal role in crafting the Clean Power Plan, which became Obama’s signature global warming policy.
But Trump ordered EPA to review the Clean Power Plan, asking the agency to see if it needed to be modified or rescinded. NRDC and other environmental groups were already locked in legal battles to keep the power plant rule from being overturned.
NRDC has filed its fair share of lawsuits against Trump as well.
They filed two lawsuits against the administration in February to keep the EPA from withdrawing a mercury rule and to oppose an executive order requiring agencies to repeal two regulations for every new one imposed.
In March, NRDC and other environmentalists sued to block the Keystone XL oil pipeline from being built. They also tried to intervene in a lawsuit against a national ocean monument Obama created.
The group filed at least two lawsuits in April challenging Trump’s delaying energy efficiency standards for appliances and the administration’s refusal to ban certain pesticides. NRDC attorneys are also representing LCV and others in the suit to keep Arctic waters off-limits to drilling.
Get used to it.
National leftists have learned from our socialists here in Wisconsin… When you lose an election, and then lose a recall, and then lose a court challenge, etc… just find another corrupt leftist judge to make a bizarre and lawless ruling that will gum up the works for months. When that inevitably fails, tap the next corrupt judge to follow suit with an equally absurd ruling, and so on…
Socialists love to use our own justice system as a blunt instrument of defiance for the Constitution and laws. “Justice delayed is justice denied”. Because leftists only ever define “justice” as being equal to socialism, real justice means nothing to these thugs.
I see lots and lots of Useful Idiots marching down the street some where carrying stupid signs and banners with stupid slogans on them carrying around big puppets of trump and getting the attention from other useful idiots(Lat dog Media)want chanting mindless babbling nonsense
Well isn’t it convenient that President Trump was able to secure a SCOTUS seat right out of the chute. If the notorious RBG should happen to retire suddenly, what will these greenie groups do then?
The only real green these eco-freaks want has big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ all over them their fovorite sound in the world is KA-CHING,KA-CHING,KA-CHING and their favorite wildlife photos are on the big big check they get from the usial suckers and they can always count on some celeberties like Leonadro DiCaprio,Robert Redford or Luarie David or some other celeberty fool to support ttis rediculous cuase
This shows exactly what the greens are about. Making sure that they keep getting money based on total lies.
If it was about science, real science, all those lawsuits were not needed at all.
Predictably the global warming swamp gators are having a hissy fit . Court action , shooting at buildings , and failed grant dependant corporate pan handlers all with such hurt feelings (wallets ) that their favorite cash cow is being turned off .
Take the $$Trillion earth has a fever scam money and build a wall , or some useful infrastructure instead of feeding it to the climate fear business .
This is what Mr. Trump campaigned on and over 60 million people supported . Find some new suckers green fraudsters .