In Ireland, in the name of fighting climate change, we have shuttered fossil fuel-burning power plants and become more reliant on renewable energy sources which are proving unreliable, and one might reasonably argue, are adding to the risk of electricity blackouts this winter.
Ireland is a tiny country in actual, and in climate, terms. Nothing we do will really make much difference to the global climate.
If the scientists are right, and if the disaster they confidently predict is to be forestalled, then the action will have to come from big countries.
And in the United States, the action is…. not forthcoming:
WASHINGTON — The most powerful part of President Biden’s climate agenda — a program to rapidly replace the nation’s coal- and gas-fired power plants with wind, solar and nuclear energy — will likely be dropped from the massive budget bill pending in Congress, according to congressional staffers and lobbyists familiar with the matter.
Senator Joe Manchin III, the Democrat from coal-rich West Virginia whose vote is crucial to passage of the bill, has told the White House that he strongly opposes the clean electricity program, according to three of those people. As a result, White House staffers are now rewriting the legislation without that climate provision, and are trying to cobble together a mix of other policies that could also cut emissions.
As you might gather from the bolded parts above, Joe Biden wants to close down the USA’s coal power plants and replace them with wind and solar energy.
The problem is that there are 100 members of the Senate, and only 50 of them are from his own party. Including Joe Manchin, a Senator who represents the famous coal-mining state of West Virginia. And no, says Senator Joe, President Joe will not be putting thousands of my constituents out of a job.
The problem here is not hard to see. As it stands, President Biden cannot pass anything meaningful on Climate Change. The next opportunity for Americans to vote will be in the mid-term elections next November.
Many observers predict that, as is traditional, President Biden will lose control of one or both houses of Congress to the Republicans, who certainly will not vote for a big climate change initiative.
So such an initiative is likely dead until at least- at the earliest – 2025, and only then if Biden wins re-election and sweeps another Democratic Congress, with bigger majorities, in with him.
But again, most experts believe (due to the specific seats in the Senate up for election in 2024) that this will be very unlikely. There is a reasonable chance that this was Biden’s only chance to pass major climate action.
Given the swings of politics, it is likely that he will be succeeded by a Republican President, and that such climate action will not even get a hearing, again, until at least the early 2030s.
By which time, of course, we are incessantly told, it will be too late.
The bottom line appears to be that in terms of “meaningful climate action”, the world simply is not going to do it, because of the economic pain it would deliver.
Ireland, almost alone, is bearing that economic pain. We have been assured, by those who support measures like the carbon tax, that in doing so we “set a good example”.
Well, the facts, uncomfortable as they may be, are that no major polluting country is following that example.
Perhaps, if you fear the dangers of a changing climate, it is time to put all the money we are spending on reduced emissions into planning and mitigation measures, rather than pursuing a lonely and fruitless effort to change the climate by ourselves.
Read more at Gript
The article is accurate on past political trends in election in the US. However, election fraud is likely to change that. In a number of state legislators the Democrats have opposed measures to fight election fraud. This implies that the mainstream of the party endorses and plans to use such fraud. This could result in the US following Europe’s energy disaster.
The article right in that nothing Ireland does could impact climate change. However, even if the average UN climate model is right, the same is true of the US. If we stopped using all fossil fuels tomorrow the warming by 2100 would be 0.2 degrees less. As with Ireland, if climate change wasn’t a fraud, the only thing that the US could do is adapt. Let’s consider what adaption are needed. Consider hurricanes. They are not getting worse and are not as bad as around 1900, so no extra adaption is needed there. The same is true of wild fires. Consider sea level rise. It is currently rising at a slower rate than between 1900 and 1950, so no adaption is needed there. The earth is warming, but currently is on track to warm 1.5 degrees by 2100, so not much adaptation is needed there.
Now consider adaptions needed for the climate change movement. There is the drastic increase the cost of energy. There is the energy shortage which has resulted in blackouts, will result in more, and may result in periods of no fuel for heating homes. There is inflation driven by the high cost of energy. We have factories shutting down because of the cost or lack of fuel. Supply chains have been disrupted. There is indeed a lot of adapt to, but it is the climate change movement.
Biden like the rest of the Liberal Democrats bases everything on Politics and Junk Science him and his fellow Democrats/Globalists just all part of the big time conspearacy by the Globalists United nations and the CFR
Biden is on the wrong side of history — he (or his handler) actually wants a new world order …