Al Gore was challenged on climate science Tuesday night when the mayor of Tangier Island, a community threatened by coastal erosion, told the environmentalist film producer he hadn’t seen the sea level change since he began his first career as a commercial crabber in 1970.
Gore was taking questions from the audience at a CNN town hall with Anderson Cooper when the fisherman and Tangier Island Mayor James Eskridge refuted Gore’s assertion that rising sea levels were endangering coastal communities.
“I’m a commercial crabber and I’ve been working the Chesapeake Bay for 50+ years. I have a crab house business out on the water and the water level is the same as it was when the place was built in 1970,” Eskridge said. “I’m not a scientist, but I am a keen observer and if sea level rises are occurring, why am I not seeing signs of it?”
Eskridge went on to say that erosion was slowly eating away at the island, but it was a natural force caused by “wave action [and] storms.”
“Have [the storms] increased any?” Gore asked.
“Not really,” Tangier’s mayor responded.
Tangier Island has lost 66 percent of its land to erosion since 1850. Eskridge has asked the Trump administration for help building a sea wall to stop the island from disappearing, CBS News reports.
Read more at Daily Caller
Oh no clearly this crab catcher didn’t get the memo . Reality is
not welcome and something only deniers engage in . The question is
who screwed up and let someone with practical knowledge through
the door . Crist what’s next flipping scientists !
Still waiting for that ice free Arctic and New York to be submerged .
Get your popcorn folks the last five minutes of the climate Armageddon fireworks are being lit off and so far they are a giant fizzle . Some one call the Pope .
I think they will just cancel the fireworks, just like hildabeast diddy just before she realized she knes she was gonna lose!
Maybe Al Gore should get his fat ass on a crab boat for a few seasons of deck work and then report back his OWN observations. I doubt he’s ever put in an honest day’s work in his life…
Amazing. The man with the skin in the game tells about his observations (being anecdotal and not a rigorous experiment, but it’s way more than a computer model) and the Al Gore priest tells an invented story about somebody going to heaven. It’s not a coincidence that he mixes religions.
I trust a commercial Crabber over a Eco-Maniac wacko like Al Gore who writes books with dumb titles like EARTH IN THE BALANCE,ASSUALT ON REASON who produces a junk science fake documentry A INCONVENT TRUTH and who writes a crappy poem