Following a disastrous 2019 growing season across the U.S., particularly in the Midwest, the cold and wet spring of 2020 along with “burnt” farmers has resulted in reduced planting of this year’s crops, too.
The weather proved so cold and wet in 2019 that many North Dakota farmers’ corn harvest lasted more than six months — and a few still haven’t finished it, reports
And now, following last year’s challenging conditions, North Dakota’s 2020 corn acreage is down more than 30% year on year, with potato planting also drastically reduced.
ND corn acreage this spring is pegged at 2.4 million, 31.5% lower than the 3.5 million planted in 2019, according to the USDA acreage report released Tues, June 30–a report based on surveys of farmers during the first two weeks of June.
The combination of a never-ending 2019 harvest and unfavorable planting conditions this spring likely discouraged many farmers across the Midwest from planting.
Frayne Olson, NDSU Extension marketing specialist, says farmers didn’t again want to risk planting beyond the optimal time and end up with immature corn that they will have to harvest in spring 2021.
“Farmers said ‘I got burned last year,’” says Olson.
Nationwide, farmers planted 92 million acres of corn in 2020 — and while that’s a fraction more than last year, it took the trade by surprise because, earlier this spring, U.S. farmers had indicated they would plant 97 million acres in 2020–an organized attempt to make up for the Midwest’s poor 2019 harvest.
Both corn and soybeans futures shot-up in price after the report was released Tuesday. Wheat prices also climbed as U.S. farmers are on track to plant the smallest crop on record.
Total U.S. wheat acreage this year is estimated at just 44.3 million — the lowest amount of acres planted since USDA began keeping records in 1919, the June 30 report said.
The reduction in spring wheat acreage is again the result of cold and wet weather during the 2020 planting season.
“It was wet, it was cold, things weren’t drying out,” Olson said.
And on top of the dire corn and wheat numbers, a double-digit decrease in potato acreage is also being suffered.
Thousands of acres of potatoes weren’t harvested last fall because of cold and wet field conditions — the fresh commodity, unlike corn, spoils if left in the field until spring.
So, who are you going to believe…?
The IPCC with their warm-mongering political agenda, who claim catastrophic-heat will see our undoing? Or the nation’s cold-weary farmers?
Furthermore, and despite all the MSM headlines to the contrary, NOAA’s own data reveals ALL of North America has suffered sharp cooling since 2015.
Using the same data tool NOAA cites in its latest report (released Jan. 2020) as well as the same 5-year time-frame, it is revealed that temps in North America declined at a rate of 2.03C per decade between 2015-2019.
This is a monster drop in temps, one 29 times Earth’s official average rate of increase since 1880 according to the NOAA report:
“The global annual temperature has increased at an avg. rate of 0.07C (0.13F) per decade since 1880.”
Don’t fall for bogus, warm-mongering political agendas.
The COLD TIMES are returning, in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and meridional jet streamflow.
We’ve seen the NOAA data proving this, but NASA is also in agreement–if you read between the lines.
Their forecast for this upcoming solar cycle (25) sees it as “the weakest of the past 200 years,” with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.
Read rest at ElectroVerse
We have a reasonably successful agricultural remedy to warmer (and drier) than desired temperatures. It is irrigation.
We also have a reasonably successful agricultural remedy to cooler than desired temperatures. It is glasshouse technology.
The former is much easier and cheaper to provide than the latter, droughts notwithstanding. In short, cold kills farming more readily than does heat.
IN SEARCH OF Coming Ice Age features one with Buffalo N.Y. Getting 44 Consecutive Days f Snow and Gore was a unheard of little Microbe
At Youtube: Leonard Nimroy and the coming ice age 1978. Guaranteed to scare the britches off you.
Hi Chris,
I also have that episode on my site. You can watch it here: