According to the media, the list of purported victims of the Trump Administration is quite long, but on Tuesday edition of New Day, CNN added a new victim to the list: bees.
In continuing the long-running tradition that predates Trump, New Day declared that spending cuts on bee research are part of the Republican war on science and on all things good and decent.
The entire segment was a great illustration of why cutting spending and getting the nation’s finances under control is so difficult.
If Trump Administration cutting money for bee research on a temporary basis produces outrage and indignation in the media, just imagine what they would do if they got serious about addressing things such as entitlements.
Co-host Alisyn Camerota began the segment by lamenting that, “Honeybees are dying off at a faster rate than seen in a decade, yet the Trump Administration is cutting funds aimed at trying to save them.”
Camerota then introduced CNN correspondent Suzanne Malveaux to warn “farmers, scientists, environmentalists, and now even beekeepers, they are ringing the alarms saying scaling back on this critical research they depend on is gonna have a significant impact on all of us, starting with the bees.”
The segment then went to a clip where Malveaux explained that the Trump Administration has reversed a series of Obama-era regulations when it comes to bees, including allowing 18 states to use a certain pesticide in emergency circumstances that are known to be harmful to bee colonies.
SEE ALSO: For Bee Alarmists, Groundhog Day Comes In June
It took a while, but Malveaux eventually got to explaining the Department of Agriculture’s reasoning: “The USDA said the critical data collection suspension was temporary, saying ‘the decision to suspend data collection was not made lightly but was necessary given available fiscal and program resources.'”
After the clip’s conclusion, Malveaux told Camerota and fellow co-host John Berman: “Scientists say the Trump Administration’s turn away from the bee crisis is just part of the Administration’s larger goal to cut or undermine federal research on food safety, farm productivity. and climate change.”
Read rest and transcript at NewsBusters
And Radon Gas as well
What ever happened with the Killer Bees from Africa we were suppost to be getting? they made movies like THE SWARM,KILLER BEES,Etc I can still remember reading seeing and hearing all about those KILLER BEES its just like with Climate Change its all Fake News and the malarkey from CNN
Attack of the killer bees.
Went the way of Y2K, acid rain, Global Cooling (from the 70’s), Peak Oil, etc.
Just keep in mind that honey bees were brought over by the Europeans, they are not native to N. America. They are an invasive species.
I had a swarm that I tried to give to local bee keepers, and not one of them wanted it. I was told they already had more bees than they could use.
Another fake crisis, just like climate change.