The global warming hysteria was reaching a crescendo in the lead up to the climate confab in Copenhagen in 2009 when a civic-minded person released the Climategate emails, deflating the whole thing. Those emails were concocted from the fevered imaginations of the scientists involved.
Nigh on 10 years have passed since then and we are currently experiencing another peak in the hysteria that seems to be coordinated worldwide. But why? Why now?
The global warming scientists have plenty of time on their hands and plenty of money. Idle curiosity would have got some to have a stab at figuring out what is going to happen to climate.
Do they see an imminent cooling and they have to get legislation in place before that is apparent?
The passage of those ten years has given us another lot of data points on global warming. There are now 40 years of satellite measurements of atmospheric temperature and this is how that plots up for the Lower 48 States:
What the graph shows is the departure from the average for the 30 years from 1981 to 2010. The last data point is February 2019 with a result of -0.03 degrees C.
So we have had 40 years of global warming and the temperature has remained flat. In fact, it is slightly cooler than the long term average.
Is it possible to believe in global warming when the atmosphere has cooled? No, not rationally. Is it possible for global warming to be real if the atmosphere has cooled? Again no.
Now let’s look at carbon dioxide, which was supposed to be driving global warming, if it’s even happening.
A lab high up on Mauna Loa in Hawaii has been measuring the atmospheric concentration since 1958. As it is the annual change in concentration that is supposed to be driving global warming, let’s see how that plots up:
What it shows is that the driving effect has been in a wide band from 1979 when the satellites to measure temperature went up but the trend is flat.
Think about that – 40 years of forcing and no result in the actual atmospheric temperature. If it was ever going to happen it would have happened by now.
The opposite of global warming is global cooling. What are the chances of that? Pretty good in fact.
Only one graph is needed to show the potential for that – the aa Index which is a measure of the Sun’s magnetic field strength. Records of that have been kept since 1868:
The second half of the 20th century had a solar magnetic field strength that was 50% higher than that of the last 60 years of the Little Ice Age. That ended in 2006.
We are now back to the solar activity levels of the 19th century and that will bring the sort of climate our forbears had then.
And so it has come to pass. January-February had record cold over North America. Seemingly the polar vortex was everywhere because Japan also had record cold.
Waiting for global warming to happen is like Waiting for Godot. It is never going to happen and the wait is getting beyond tedious.
In the meantime, there is no evidence for global warming and the opposite is happening, as shown by the record cold we have just experienced.
It is time to stop giving global warmers the benefit of doubt – they are loons. That includes Rick Perry.
David Archibald has lectured on climate science in both Senate and House hearing rooms.
Read more at American Thinker
Some people choose to believe.
They either lack cynicism (a defensive trait!) or feel that questioning party platforms is wrong. If you’re a liberal,
you want to be a good liberal. Suspension of disbelief is the default position….”they” wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.
I agree that the climate change fraud is hardly on life support. It is political movement completely disassociated from real science. That is one of the reasons a independent presidential panel is so feared.
One of the climategate emails stated that they need to minimize the Medieval Warm Period. This has certainly been done. I did a search trying to find out how much warmer this period was. What I found were articles that claimed our current temperatures are warming that period.
We must keep in mind that the global warming campaign has nothing to do with science or even facts. It is all about liberal control of politics and the population. While we had believed in recent years that the campaign was on life support, after it had been exposed as a complete fraud, the urge by liberals to attain absolute power has driven them to yell and march more and more. Even if we rationally explain that global warming is a hoax and make a good case for why this is true, the constant loud noise coming from the liberals can only brain-wash the majority of the people to think “Well, there must be something about it that’s true and we probably should do something about it.” Once enough people buy into it and grant power to the fear-mongers, we will at last see the tipping point-the point where our lives of relative freedom begin to end.
I only wish this propaganda was on life support.
Unfortunately, this type of information is just not getting out enough.
Certainly not to our college educated young people.
Riot at Univ. of Michigan over Climate Concerns. Oh brother.
The climate propaganda campaign will continue as the promoters try to extend their careers. They’ve lasted this long without proof, might as well stick with what works for them.
I saw Al Gore on TV this morning. Says that we’re using the Earth’s atmosphere like a sewer for greenhouse gas emissions. Well, Al, your breath contains 100 times the atmosphere’s concentration of CO2.
Sewer mouth.