With the ice edge very close to the 1981-2010 median at both poles, crooked climate scientists and their fellow travelers in the press continue to insist that the ice is at a “record low.”
The only place with a significant negative anomaly is the Bering Sea, where winds blew the ice edge back last week.
Arctic sea ice volume continues to increase and is up nearly ten percent over the previous two years.
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There has been no trend in Arctic sea ice for the last twelve years.
How many more years can this scam continue? It is time to shut it down.
Read more at Real Climate Science
The greatest shame is how science has been gradually, but deliberately corrupted over such a long span of time. For many scientists trapped within the system, plodding on in their own esoteric studies, it’s quite possible never to see the systemic manipulation and fraud on the macro level. Add to this billions of politically-directed and outcome-demanded grant dollars, and THEN add the isolated group-think lopsided politics of academia, and we have the formula for fraud on a grand scale, with scientists themselves being played as dupes.
And their spewing these lies to the school kids filling their heags full of this B.S. with help from the National Education(Brainwashing)Association(NEA)and the radical Eco-Freaks(Greenpeace,EDF,NRDC,Sierra Club,Friends of the Earth Etc)as well as wealthy leftists like Red Ted Turner(Who brainwashed kids with junk like Captain Planet and the Planeteres,Network Earth National Geographic Explorer)as well as the Hollywood crowd of Eco-Wackos