Contrary to expectations, controversy is beneficial to the science of climate change as it fosters the review process on both sides of the debate. –GWPF, Ferenc Jankó, Judit Papp Vancsó and Norbert Móricz, Scientometrics – September 2017, Volume 112, Issue 3, pp 1745–1759
Another interesting finding is seen in their examination of who each organization was citing. In-text analysis of the IPCC’s AR5 report revealed that 19 out of the 20 most frequently cited authors in that report were directly involved in the compilation of it.
Similar analysis of the AR4 report revealed that 14 out of the 16 most frequently cited IPCC authors were involved with the writing of that report. Yet, here again, the remaining two individuals were directly involved in the production of the IPCC’s preceding Third Assessment Report.
Such findings indicate the IPCC report authors are most intent on citing their own work, thereby promoting their own interests and findings above the work of others. In contrast, only four of the 18 most frequently cited authors of CCRII, and only one of the 13 most frequently cited authors of CCR, were involved in the compilation of those reports.
Thus, the NIPCC reports present a greater degree of independence among its authors and the material they produce and cite than that of the IPCC. —Craig Idso, Watts Up With That, 4 October 2017
While the North Atlantic is going through an extremely active hurricane season, the Pacific is going through one of the quietest typhoon seasons since records began. Meteorologist Ryan Maue compiled data showing accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean is only 56 percent of normal, which is based on storm activity from 1981 to 2010. Cyclone activity in the north and central Pacific basin is only 81 percent of normal, Maue reported. –Michael Bastasch, Daily Caller, 5 October 2017
If history is any guide, once La Nina becomes well-established in the tropical Pacific Ocean, global temperatures should drop noticeably relative-to-normal. —Paul Dorian, Vencore, Inc., 2 October 2017
Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott will address the Global Warming Policy Foundation in London next week. Tony Abbott will become the second former Australian Prime Minister to deliver the annual lecture to the think tank, which is one of the world’s most active groups promoting debate on climate change science. —ABC – Between The Lines, 5 October 2017
Tony Abbott has called on the Turnbull government to change laws to allow for the construction of nuclear power plants. Mr Abbott also attacked research by the Australian National University which predicted Sydney and Melbourne would have 50 degree days by the end of the century, labelling the researchers “group thinkers”. “I think people are thoroughly sick of this kind of alarmism,” he said. —The Australian, 4 October 2017
The IPCC like any part of the Useless Nations are all part of the NWO a plan for a one world goverment all under the Useless Nation which has failed to bring peace and is prettty much a bunch of Anti-American scumballs and scoundrels