Caught on video: John Kerry admitted U.S. CO2 emissions cuts are pointless at Joe Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate where they say:
“Confronting the climate crisis requires unprecedented global cooperation, as well as a shared sense of urgency and ambition. President Biden convened the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate to ensure close coordination on addressing the climate crisis with key players in the international community at the highest levels of government. We can solve this crisis—but only if we work together.”
But “special Presidential Envoy for Climate“, John Kerry aka, Biden’s Climate Czar, provided a sobering moment during an interview where the curtain was pulled back and reality emerged.
Watch the video clip:
Kerry said:
“…getting to net-zero [carbon dioxide emissions] is gonna be hard, really hard…that will depend on breakthrough technologies and breakthrough innovations. But even if we get to net zero, we still have to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.”
He’s saying essentially that cuts won’t matter, but technology and innovation will. He also seems to erroneously think “net zero” applies to getting ALL of the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, which will end all plant life on Earth if it happened.
He also said essentially the same thing about emission cuts back in 2015 in this video:
“The fact is that even if every single American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes – if we each planted a dozen trees – if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions – guess what? That still wouldn’t be enough to offset the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world. If all the industrialized nations went down to zero emissions – remember what I just said – all the industrial nations went down to zero emissions, it wouldn’t be enough – not when more than 65 percent of the world’s carbon pollution comes from the developing world.”
Meanwhile, China and other countries pay lip service to carbon dioxide emission reductions, as seen in Figure 1 below.
Why are we so in a rush to reduce CO2 emissions in the United States when nothing will come of it, especially when other countries have already proven they aren’t going to do anything?
This is what happens when politicians play scientists and engineers.
Read more at Climate Realism
As much as I hate to give John Kerry credit for anything, he is right that the US can not reduced emissions enough for what is believe to be necessary on the global scale. He is also right that all industrial nations can make enough reductions to achieve that goal. If it is hopeless then why does he want to destroy our economy, force most Americans into poverty, and spend trillions of dollars to reduce emissions? Again, the only answer has to be the multiple agendas hitchhiking on the climate change movement.
I give him credit for being able to wind surf …
Global Warming/Climate Change is the biggist scam ever in the entire history of all Mankind its just another Trojan Horse for World Government run by the Useless Nations
John Kerry is politics’ most thoroughly ignorant man of the science of CO2. In biology (the living part of the environment). And in climate. Not only would removing CO2 from the atmosphere kill all plant life – it would kill ALL LIFE ON EARTH. Animals cannot produce their own energy and oxygen – only plants can do that. And animals cannot incorporate their own carbon into their carbon-based bodies – only plants can do that. And in climate, CO2 does not cause temperature change – it follows temperature change. Through temp variable CO2 solubility. The natural range of atmospheric CO2 is 180ppm to 280ppm. As temperatures go up, CO2 outgasses. The nominal lethal low of CO2 is 100-150ppm. Only 30ppm below our natural lows! But the reality is that long before lethal lows are reached, starvation level lows are what we live in. Greenhouses pump CO2 INTO their greenhouses not out of them John Kerry. Because more CO2 makes life greener, stronger, and more drought tolerant – it makes life more productive and vital. Science calls that the CO2 fertilization effect. And it’s what fossil fuels are helping to accomplish today on a global scale. We burn fossil fuels to create the best fed, longest-living, most prosperous human beings that have ever existed. And when we burn them, that consumption produces the two most important molecules to life on earth – CO2 – and water. The healthiest to the environment CO2 levels that have existed in twelve million years. Hardly pollution. And the exact opposite of life threatening. That is the science. We only fail to understand it through the failure of far too many grade school teachers. You can measure their failure by the size of the crowds of schoolchildren who are taught that CO2 drives the climate – it doesn’t. What CO2 drives is life on earth – on earth, more is ALWAYS BETTER.
Bingo. If only the NYT would print your comments. As for John Kerry, I have a short video for him to look at (when he’s not looking in the mirror) …
Global warming is a global issue and it requires a coordinated global response to cut global emissions. There is no opportunity here for climate heroism by any nation state or subgroup of nation states. It’s global or it’s nothing
Pls see