When President Trump yanked America out of the UN’s Paris Accord last Thursday, Climate Depot’s Marc Morano launched into full media overdrive.
From major U.S. news outlets like Fox News, the Blaze and American Family Radio, to international broadcasts including Sky News, Al Jazeera, and ‘Good Morning Britain,’among others, Marc has been hitting the airwaves taking on Green spokesman and passionately and articulately defending the President’s wise choice to exit the Paris agreement.
Yesterday, Morano refuted Al Gore and John Kerry on Fox saying, “Donald Trump made the best deal by walking away from the table when the premise is absurd, that the United Nations is going to save the planet through regulation, central planning and wealth redistribution.”
Things got contentious during Marc’s appearance on Al Jazeera where Marc said, “The U.S. federal government is out. That is leadership and a rejection of superstition. If we had to rely on the UN and we actually faced a climate apocalypse we would all be doomed.”
Marc Morano speaking on the air about climate is like an anti-propaganda vaccination.
Green-Left spokesmen, not used to being aggressively challenged, are often left looking like they’ve been hit by a tornado.
Take a look at the roundup below of some of Marc’s most recent media interviews and reports.
Exiting Paris has finally burst open the climate debate.
CFACT has been busy laying out the facts – and now is the time to go on the offensive.
Once people become acquainted with the truth about this climate hustle its tough for the warming crowd to bamboozle them again.
Watch: Morano in contentious Al Jazeera TV debate
When we consider how many “experts” are on the publicly funded multi-billion dollar payroll of the Global Climate Agenda, it’s incredible that a relative handful of principled voices can have such a positive impact.
Truth trumps. No thanks to the politically driven media and Hollywood left.
If we were like the Hebrews and Gore was a prophet he would have gotten stoned a long time ago
Go Marc!
Thanks Marc for all you do in he name of REAL science, telling truth to power. Keep up the good fight!
The clueless AlJazeera presenter seems to think 0bama retains some power and authority… hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
We need a definate cure for new age pluague caled ENVIROMENTALISM its deadly and contagious
Terrific efforts Marc. Congratulations on your superb TV debates, all of which indicate the desperation of the climate alarm crowd who do not have one single scientific fact to substantiate their climate alarm. Two peer reviewed papers destroy the scientific basis for climate alarm at the hands of carbon dioxide: http://principia-scientific.org/publications/Role_of_GHE-EaE.pdf and http://principia-scientific.org/publications/Role_of_CO2-EaE.pdf We battle on regardless of the slurs thrown at us.