It’s the end of the world, according to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This can all be reversed, though.
The world can still band together and keep the Earth from rising 1.5 degrees Celsius before greenhouse gas emissions peak in 2025. They call it “now or never” … except we’ve heard this same song and dance before. [bold, links added]
Climate activists in the UN have been predicting disaster since 1972. It’s déjà vu. We have a few years. Then a few years go by, and the world keeps on turning.
The United Kingdom’s Prince Charles has famously been claiming that the next 18 months will determine the ability of humanity to survive climate change.
He has been saying this since at least 2008. Prince Charles is so convinced of his stance that he even tried to talk former President Donald Trump into his delusion.
The climate alarmists are going on 50 years now playing on the human fears of impending doom.
Each time, the motivation for their decelerating an apocalyptic end seems to incline more and more toward enriching the pocketbooks of the elites and leading to policies that overall hurt everyone else.
These policies and restrictions range from poor forestry maintenance in California, which led to their horrendous wildfires; the current administration’s reluctance to produce our own oil and gas; adding ethanol in gas, and junking up lawnmowers and other yard tools.
Climate conspiracists have to keep up this charade, but after a while, they start to sound like the boy who cried wolf.
With each failed prediction, with each call for more money to be thrown at environmental projects, and with each terrible policy, it becomes increasingly obvious that this is a racket.
But they’re banking on the fact that the general public is not willing to risk one of their predictions coming true.
h/t Steve B.
Read more at Patriot Post
• The first prediction to grab the attention of the public was the 1962 book ‘Silent Spring’, which said that use of the insecticide DDT would eventually kill all the birds. That one proved to be not just wrong, but criminal.
• Then Paul Ehrlich said in his 1968 book ‘’The population Bomb’ that population would outgrow food production and billions would starve. He was wrong, too.
• In 1972, the Club of Rome produced a book ‘The Limits to Growth’ which suggested that mankind is on a collision to disaster by the mid 21st century. 50 years later and with 28 years to go, there’s no sign of that happening.
• Most of the CO2 we’re emitting will end up in the oceans, making them acidic, the experts say. That hasn’t happened.
• Coral reefs will all die. They’re mostly growing.
• Hurricanes will become more frequent. They’re not.
• Droughts will become more frequent. They’re not either.
• Al Gore predicted the Arctic ice will have melted by 2014 and sea levels will rise, swamping low-level islands and beachfronts across the world. Didn’t happen.
He also said the Gulf Stream would slow down and cause devastation. Not so far.
He predicted the disappearance of low-lying Pacific islands. They’re growing in landmass.
On sea level, he predicted a rise of ten feet. Current annual increase zero – 3mm (about 1/8th of an inch), depending on whom you believe.
In 2006: “We have ten years to save the planet”. We must have been successful in saving the planet, because we’re still here and so is the planet.
Polar bears will be extinct in a handful of years. They’re at an all-time high.
Clearly, his Nobel Prize was well-deserved.
So, for fifty years in modern times, supposedly educated intelligent people have been making predictions about the future of the world’s climate to come and the one thing they all have in common is – they’ve all been wrong.
The UN has never ever been for World Peace otherwise we would,nt be seeing all the wars that are still having right now