Two independent groups of scientists have discovered definitive certifiable evidence and proof that there is no radiative greenhouse gas effect.
Not surprisingly, the gigantic global climate fear industry has no interest in researching this information.
The climate change religion, which makes carbon our Original Sin, is a bandwagon to starvation because we create, transport, and store all of our food with the essential help of oil and natural gas.
No fossil fuels mean no food. Everything we do to fight carbon will cause food and housing cost inflation, and nothing we do will alter the weather in any significant way.
You can find additional information here.
The two so-called scientists are deluded fools.
They have no idea what they are talking about.
They are sick people desperate for attention.
Co2 is a gree nhouse gas
The greenhouse effect is roughly +60 degrees F., mainly from water vapor
Down-welling infrared radiation reflected by greenhouse gases can easily be measured at night in a back yard with a hand held infrared thermometer, not to mention the satellite measurements.
That climate models grossly overestimate global warming does not mean these crackpot “scientists” are right. That only means government pay scientists to make scary climate predictions. The computer models predict whatever they are programmed to predict. And accurate predictions are not a goal.