The progressive news blog Vox admitted Friday that the one-sided media coverage, one-sided student indoctrination, one-sided government propaganda, and an enormous funding-and-spending advantage have failed to carry the debate against Climate Realism.
Summarizing the climate debate in one word, Vox admitted climate activists have “failed.”
“Has the climate movement failed?” Vox asked.
“It’s hard to look at the world at this moment and not conclude that the answer is yes. Despite all the activism, despite all the protests, despite all the warnings…” Vox answered its own question.
Vox’s admission mirrors the frustration expressed by many climate activists.
They feel that they are achieving success monopolizing the field in their preferred tactics, but they still can’t break through to winning over the American people and our elected officials.
Despite a climate-alarmist Democrat in the White House and Democratic majorities in the U.S. House and Senate, Congress has failed to pass any far-reaching legislation furthering the mythical climate crisis.
Polling shows only one-third of Americans are very concerned about climate change – which is the same percentage as those who are not concerned at all.
Polling also shows a majority of Americans would not even pay $10 per month to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
And just 12 months from now, we are likely going to experience a wave election that will sweep climate alarmists out of their current seats of power.
Internationally, governments in Central and Eastern Europe are pushing back more strongly every day against the United Nations’ Climate Delusion.
I frequently hear Climate Realists expressing frustration and despair that climate activists have taken over media, public schools, government agencies, and the nation’s huge donor base.
If despite all those advantages, they cannot impose their agenda on the American people, what is there to despair?
Take heart that the American people continue to reject climate alarmism and that even a Democrat-controlled federal government cannot implement the desired agenda of climate activists.
And take heart that Vox and others are so disheartened that they are throwing in the towel.
Read more at Climate Realism
Back in 2014 they held the Peoples(Useful Idiot)Climate March in new York City and left behind a big big mess just like they do while their celebrate Earth Day and the Rlling Rock Protest as w ell
When they tamper with the data when they fudge around with the equipment when they place their tempeture monitors in Assfualt Parking Lots or heat exuasts they are cheating and should lose their public funding
The Climate Activists took the wrong attitude to address the climate. Tearing useful things down is never widely attractive.
They could effectively taken a climate “development” tack to develop the climate by forestry, water-handling and conservation, increasing knowledge of farming, forestry, husbandry, breeding, more effective and less chemical fertilization, and scads of other positive approaches such as the Space Programs to move the dirty industries someplace safe.
Given the increasing population, no one could go against a “new growth” program to ward off the effects of population and production and keep them from damaging the climate more than necessary.
Of course, it is still doubtful that the climate would respond to any intervention if we “COULD” determine what the results of that experiment would be.
I wish I believed this. Thought to share…
At the heart if this is what science is.this statement:
Models are not science. They are guesses based on the presumptions of their creators, and usually wrong. Prove no laws. Not the basis for serious decisions. Proof demands requires test by observation. Climate models do not predict reality an. miles off. To suggest otherwise from authority is a deliberate deceit, on the facts of how science is done. SCience 101. Climate science as sold, isn’t.
Climate science is the science of data that aren’t and models that don’t.