It’s strange that scientists were not panicking about going into an imminent ice age in 2014—when Antarctic sea ice was at a record high! [emphasis, links added]
Large variations from year to year often occur, and they are usually the result of wind patterns, which either blow away from the continent, thus pushing ice outwards, or towards it.
We only started collecting data in 1979, so the idea that any of this is unprecedented or concerning is nonsense.
In fact, the claims of a six sigma event are fraudulent; you would need thousands of years of data to calculate the statistical significance of this event.
Meanwhile, aforesaid scientists seem to have gone very quiet about their favorite scare, the Arctic, where the ice refuses to disappear as ordered:
Read more at Not A Lot Of People Know That
Yes, I imagine aliens are using more arctic ice in their cocktails.
Since most of our news we get is Lies and totally misleading why should we be surprised over this its mostly leftists Propaganda not news Dan Blather Tom Brokejaw and the rest
Six SIGMAS? Wud dat in Drachmas?
How ’bout ZLOTYS ?