We don’t discuss climate issues at our house with the children. Too many other important things to do.
Such as work on feeding the dog, learning to tell time, tie shoes, do the math, study the bible and animal books.
Somehow, the climate issue never came up.
But while I was on the computer, my six-year-old daughter plopped down next to me and started watching Greta’s “mass extinction” speech with me.
Personally, I was surprised that her speechwriters had chosen to take that path. Generally, people, especially adoring fans, don’t like to be crushed by their idol.
Anyway, after the speech, I asked my six-year-old what she thought of it.
“Why was she crying? Did she fall in a hole while riding her bicycle?” Nearly every day we take a bike hike in the forest, and the dirt road has some small low spots that we call holes. And I’m always telling her to be careful not to fall into them.
So I explained that Greta is upset for two reasons. First, she thinks that nature is falling apart. And secondly, she says some people are keeping her from going to school.
And I asked, “You’re in the forest on family hikes almost every day. Does it look to you like nature is falling apart?”
“No daddy. The birds are chirping like today when we gave them some sunflower seeds; the trees grow a lot, the squirrels are very cute. Just the same as always.”
“I think the same way,” I replied.
Then onto the second issue; school denial are fightin’ words to my daughter: “Who says she can’t go to school? That’s terrible.”
I explained it would be terrible if it were true, but she and her mommy and daddy have chosen to travel around the world, reading words from a paper about nature falling apart. She could go to school if she wanted to.”
“Oh, I understand. So why is she reading from the paper instead of talking? It’s very strange. If the forest was burning down, I wouldn’t write down ‘the forest is burning’ on paper and come to you and read it. I would just tell you.”
It seemed strange to me, too. But I suppose the script is everything, and rather than deviate from the carefully crafted propaganda message, better to read it and look foolish.
Now, since we all know now that mass extinction is at the doorstep, most questions to discuss with Greta become irrelevant. Except for one.
How is she getting to her next destinations and then back to Sweden?
Use of aircraft or cruise ships might push the world over the edge into mass extinction. Can’t have any of that.
And the boat on which she came is heading back to the EU without her. This leaves very few, if any, zero-carbon alternatives. And one thing is certain, Greta doesn’t want to set foot on a small sailboat again for a while.
The Democrat Media complex seems to have scrubbed her travel plans while in the Americas. Probably because they have a large “carbon footprint.”
Plans of the global warming fraud coalition are for her to travel to Canada, and then to Mexico and in December to Chile for an international climate conference.
Her press spokespeople say she will travel by bus and train across the continents. Except busses use carbon fuel. And trains use carbon fuel directly (diesel) or indirectly to generate electricity.
Getting back to Sweden and her school career are fading into the background. Here is breaking news for those participating in the mass delusion of man-made climate change: Greta will be with us for a long time.
The Democrat Media Complex is not the least bit interested in how she will return to Sweden. If Greta isn’t going to swim, the travel alternatives are not many.
Travel methods seem an obvious question from the press and an easy one for a girl that seems to know everything about nothing.
But not one reporter or media outlet is the slightest bit curious. I wonder why?
Dr. Joel Glass is an engineer working in the field of water infrastructure for ultra-cold climate environments. He is the author of the groundbreaking new book, ICE AGE 2025: HOW TO PREPARE AMERICA AND YOUR FAMILY, which shows how the Earth is heading into a colder climate.
That’s right Greta blame the adults for all this blame them for stealing your silly dreams this is the same type of hogwash they had back in the 1970’s the Question Authority types of screwballs blame others for what your mindless generation of Brainwashed little socialists think
Lovely Greta Climate Maid
Where would we be without you.
Give us a pout and make us think about you
In Congress she looked much older
with a posse over her shoulder
Made her look like a drama queen
Ain’t her fault she’s still a teen .
Lovely Greta Climate Maid
When it gets dark your plane will steal away
Greta !
Remember Cindy Sheehan ?
Remember when she was discarded by the
leftist pigs when she was no longer useful ?
It will also be Greta’s future.
Democrats are such pigs.
All that was missing from that well coached drama performance was a full head turn and a projectile vomit . Can’t wait for the Christmas book .
You Ruined My Christmas . ..There was snow .
The hypocrite green cult is working their way through mascots .
– Nye… tired comedian .
– DiCaprio… never had it . At least Nye dressed for the roll .
– Gore the master mind …..way to many lines of utter bull shit on record .
– Mann … proof ? what proof it’s intellectual property . Ahh OK, what happened to the scientific method ?
– Now we have twisted sister and her posse of activists and drama teachers .
– IPCC bought and paid for custom science fiction for sale . Oh we don’t
do our own research just create propaganda for the UN and dirt bag rent seekers .
– The Pope… well that’s for someone else to judge .
– MSM lost their mojo and credibility pumping a fraud without any serious question . Were they bullied , investors or just looking after a bet they placed ?
Looks like all three .
Greta’s coming to Canada. Her parents must know that Trudeau wants to get his hands on her.
The whole world’s watching, Justin. The press said little about your ( tactile) use of Bianca Andreescu as an election prop. Don’t touch Greta.