In five years, everyone will believe the global warming doomsday scenarios repeated ad nauseam by environmentalists.
That’s according to California Gov. Jerry Brown. More likely, it is another in a long line of climate change “tipping points” that never arrive.
On CBS’s “Face the Nation” over the weekend, Brown went on at length about how global warming was behind the recent deadly California wildfires. Even though he also admitted that Trump was right that bad forest management played a role.
But Brown concluded by saying that such wildfires will only get worse if the world doesn’t go to zero carbon emissions “sooner rather than later.” So much worse that nobody will doubt climate change anymore.
Five-Year Prediction
“I’ll tell you, every year it’s going to get clearer and clearer so that I think in less than five years even the worst skeptics are going to be believers,” he said.
If we didn’t know any better, we might be inclined to believe Brown, given the scale of the recent fires and the lives lost.
Except that there’s no evidence of a trend in wildfires since 1985, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. And a 2017 study found that since 1970 the number of fires burning 300 acres or more has actually declined.
Nor has there been any trend in terms of hurricane severity, the number of tornadoes, droughts, or other severe weather that a warming planet was supposed to produce. (The charts showing all this can be seen here.)
Beyond that, however, is the fact that people like Brown have been predicting climate doom and gloom for years, only to see the planet fail to comply.
In 2006, for example, Al Gore declared that “unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return.”
That was 12 years ago. There were no “drastic measures” taken, so Gore has simply pushed back the point-of-no-return.
Gore’s Cracked Crystal Ball
Gore also predicted then that the Arctic would be ice-free by 2017, sea levels would have risen alarmingly, and that within a decade — that is, by 2016 — we’d be in the middle of a “true planetary emergency.”
None of that came to pass.
Indeed, Gore and others like him have become the climate change equivalent of sidewalk preachers declaring that the world will end on such-and-such a date.
Time and again they’ve declared that the planet is on the cusp of some global warming point of no return and that emergency measures must be taken immediately. Only to push back deadlines after those dates pass.
Passing Points Of No Return
James Hanson said we only had 10 years of “business as usual” before stopping climate change becomes “impractical.” That was 11 years ago.
Then, in 2009, Hansen said incoming President Barack Obama had four years to save the world. We passed that deadline five years ago.
In March 2009, environmental activist Prince Charles informed us that the world had “less than 100 months” to save itself. Last year he changed his mind and said we had 35 years.
An environmentalist report from 2001 said that “Substantial reductions in global CO2 emissions must occur within the next 10 to 15 years,” or stopping catastrophic warming “may be nearly impossible.”
If climate change “experts” can’t predict what will happen in a decade or two with any degree of accuracy, why does anyone trust them with global warming forecasts that stretch out 100 years or more?
Read more at IBD
Al Bores propeganda film A INCONVENT SEQUEL bombed big time and so have DiCaprios THE 11th HOUR and BEFORE the FLOOD
Global Warming activism got a huge boost with Alert Gore’s movie. The movement is dying, one believer at a time. You can’t fool all of the people all of the time…’ll get a bad reputation for trying.
Moonbeam isa Nit-Wit and his replacement Newsome is,nt any better this is Dumb and Dumber and California has become a mess because of them
I don’t get it .. Brown blames everything on climate change , claims there are just to many people in California but would like all of Mexico to move there . WTF
The people leaving are middle class or worse off so California actually will be Mexico North , the wealthy and their serfs with a ball busting debt .
Enjoy your indexed pension Brown while you ride around your estate . Good riddance .
The Democrat Party supported slavery and now the poor are so broke they can’t wait
to get in while Brown frets about how humans are going to control the climate .
Moonbeam is trying to save face after vetoing the 2016 bill.
He is a complete fool. Yet people vote him in….
AND.. he believes in the fraudulent GHG Theory.
The anthropological climate change movement is running a political campaign when it makes these predictions. They are also trying to scare the public into supporting the action they want. It reminds of a car dealership running “last chance” sales. These prices will be gone soon. Later there is another last chance sale. The reason the climate alarmists can get away with their phony predictions is that the mainstream media censors out information on past predictions that have failed.
Politian like Jerry Brown use the term tripping point all the time but I seriously doubt any of then are well enough informed to know what that is. Here is one “tripping point” theory. The tundra warms up to the point where it starts releasing a lot of carbon dioxide. The earth then gets warmer, and more CO2 released. The tundra has been shown not to be a threat, but this example explains tripping point concept.
And meanwhile the crack-pots move the hands of the Doomsday Clock a little closer to midnight I have been hearing this malarkey for quite some time now and so far nothing has happened or ever will happen