People in New Mexico are fighting back against climate fraud in their public schools, and the climate mafia is pushing back with their usual Alinsky tactics. They refuse to debate, and instead try to bully people into accepting their scam.
Hundreds protest controversial science proposal
They have no problem with children being exposed to Al Gore’s sci-fi flick, and they refuse to let children think for themselves.
Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014
All human progress is made by people who disagree with the existing paradigm.
Read more at Real Climate Science
According to the crack-pots all life on earth came crawling out of the sea as some dumb fish and if you were realy into hearing Carl Sagan and his mindless babbling just like their into listening to Al Bore,David Suzuki and Leonardo DiCaprio
They shouldn’t be teaching them climate change. They should be teaching them basic climate. If they don’t know the facts of basic climate, they can be bamboozled by fake climate change “science”. They need to be taught there is no such thing as a “global temperature” and that there isn’t a single global climate – there are many climate biomes; they need to be taught climate is determined by location. they need to be taught what drives the winds and ocean currents and what makes the seasons. I’m so sick of climate change being pushed w/o the basics. When you try to explain to someone that we have opposing seasons in the northern and southern hemisphere, and they call you crazy in reply, you know they didn’t get basic climate science in school. What’s more, they should have gotten it it grade school.
Expanding to a broader scope, people should have a basic general understanding of science. This does not mean making everyone into a scientist. But people should be able to understand issues with nuclear power, vaccinations, basic ecology, and many more subjects.
Agreed Spurwing Plover . Pick the top three teachers in each subject
, put them online , and give families a choice . It has already started
and the Liberal brain washers are writing themselves out of jobs .
Sending kids to a school to be brain washed is no longer necessary . For parents who use school as a day care just form
neighbor working pods if you have to .
More reasons parents should be allowed to opt for Home Education rather then sending them to these indoctrination centers where their brainwashed into being servents to Big Brother all run by the leftists NEA and Greenpeace