After watching the clip of Rachel Bloom on Bill Nye’s show that’s supposedly about science, one had to believe that we had seen Peak Nye. Not even close.
Nye seems to have decided to dedicate his new Netflix series to a string of very strange takes on sexuality, and his latest one features an ice cream orgy that ridicules religious belief, while making an incoherent argument that feelings are bad … unless they’re good. Or something (via Twitchy):
Sweet Jesus, there’s more cringeworthy video from Bill Nye.
— Jason C. (@CounterMoonbat) April 25, 2017
Er … wut? Let’s start with the feelz first. Vanilla gets tagged as the antagonist in this video because of his/her feelings, which gets ridiculed for its lack of science, and yet the appeal to change Vanilla’s mind is based entirely on feelings. Everyone is made different, but no one respects vanilla’s individuality.
In fact, in terms of today’s political climate, all the other flavors sexually harass vanilla and pressure him/her into participating in an orgy. On most college campuses these days, every other flavor involved in this incident would get expelled under Title 31 [Flavors]. (Also as an aside, I usually make my own ice cream, and it’s not entirely non-sciencey to state that most ice cream starts with a vanilla base and has flavoring added to it to achieve other varieties. The Vanilla character is actually closest to scientific truth on that point, but #YOLO.)
As far as the digs at Christianity, Nye’s not Nero and this isn’t the Circus Maximus, but it’s still a crude, lewd, and ignorant shot at religious belief in general and Christianity in particular. It postulates a conflict between science and religion that doesn’t actually exist, except in the minds of a few militant atheists.
The “big ice cream in the sky” must be Nye’s version of Richard Dawson’s Flying Spaghetti Monster, but at least Dawson didn’t create video clips of spaghetti orgies with sides of meatballs and sausages. Nye’s not interested in science here; he’s interested in middle-school taunts and name-calling, as well as a middle-school vision of sexual relations. That, plus his weird presentation here before the video, paints a very strange picture of both Nye and his version of “science.”
Whats Nyes favorite flaver Grapefruit Ripple or maybe he prefers Ben & Jerry
No real sceinists is going to run around wearing a silly little bow-tie like Bill Nye dose
Bill Nye is as authentic as a 3 dollar bill when it comes to science he dont known a darn thing about real science just political pandering