Progressives first demanded that social media platforms silence critics of climate alarmism. Now White House national climate adviser Gina McCarthy wants them to censor content on the costs of a force-fed green energy transition.
A few years ago, Facebook enlisted third-party “fact-checkers” to review news stories about climate. That didn’t satisfy Democratic Senators who howled about a “loophole” for opinion pieces. [bold, links added]
Facebook then began appending fact-checks to op-eds, including by our contributors Bjorn Lomborg and Steven Koonin, that criticized apocalyptic climate models and studies. The goal was to restrict readership.
Now progressives are moving to censorship phase two, which is shutting down debate over climate “solutions.”
“Now it’s not so much denying the problem,” Ms. McCarthy said in an Axios interview last Thursday. “What the industry is now doing is seeding doubt about the costs associated with [green energy] and whether they work or not.”
Ms. McCarthy cited the week-long power outage in Texas in February 2021. “The first thing we read in the paper was” that the blackouts occurred “because of those wind turbines,” she said. “That became the mantra.”
In fact, most of the media immediately blamed climate change and fossil fuels.
We were among the few to point out that wind energy plunged as temperatures dropped and turbines froze.
Gas-fired plants couldn’t make up for the wind shortfall despite running all-out, and then some went down too.
Ms. McCarthy doesn’t want to admit the inconvenient truth that renewable energy sources are making the grid increasingly unreliable.
Comparing fossil-fuel companies to Big Tobacco, she complained that “dark money” is being used to “fool” the public about “the benefits of clean energy.”
“We need the tech companies to really jump in,” she said, because highlighting the costs of green energy is “equally dangerous to denial because we have to move fast.” Got that, Mark Zuckerberg?
Merely pointing out technical limitations of lithium-ion batteries could be “disinformation.”
Asked whether climate disinformation posed a threat to public health, Ms. McCarthy replied “absolutely” while adding hilariously that “President Biden doesn’t focus on, and neither do I on, bashing the fossil-fuel companies.” The Axios interviewer smiled and nodded along.
Some conservative scholars argue that Big Tech companies could be sued as “state actors” for violating users’ First Amendment speech rights when they censor content at the behest of government officials.
Ms. McCarthy is helping make their case.
Read more at WSJ
A demand for a “Soviet Valley”.
Big Brother gose Green
In all major dimensions of the climate change issue the facts are against the advocates. Extreme weather events are not increasing. The climate models are obviously running hot. The rising sea level rate has actually slowed since 1900. Food crops continue to break records of high yields. The cost of renewable energy is prohibitive and even if we could afford it that energy can not power a modern industrial society. For these reasons censorship is vital to the climate change movement. The pubic must not know that Germany tripled its cost of power by including 30% renewable energy in its mix. The same is true of California that now has triple the average cost of power of US states after adding 20% renewable energy in its mix.
Why does the U.S. Government need Big Tech to censor, they have a whole new agency to do that, in the Disinformation Bureau.
The regressive left have been pushing their fake climate crisis (“the world is going to end in twelve years”) for thirty years. Pushers like Fakebook are filled with indoctrinated youth “fact checkers” that have no idea the environment is made entirely of little carbon sacks of water we call cells. No idea that all life dies without CO2. No idea that life was born in life essential CO2 levels more than twenty times those of today. No idea that during glacial phases of our ongoing Pleistocene Ice Age, life essential CO2 levels drop to within 30ppm of the beginning of the death of all things. By using fossil fuels, we have recycled more CO2 back to where it is available for life, including food production. It is the greenest thing humans have ever done for the environment in our entire existence! Here’s the basic chemistry of life on earth. It’s what makes the environment green. It’s how all of life’s energy comes from the sun. It’s how CO2 is converted from an atmospheric and water soluble molecule into life on earth. And it’s how all of our breathable oxygen on earth is produced from CO2 and H2O. Oh, and climate? Left wing regressives claim today’s warming trend is unique and deadly and caused by more CO2. Another lie. Our current ongoing Pleistocene Ice Age is the coldest twelve degree C range of temperature on earth since multicellular life evolved. CO2 is a follower of temperatures, not a cause. As temps warm, CO2 outgasses and vice versa. Fortunately, there is fifty times more CO2 dissolved in water than there is in the atmosphere. Because without it, all life dies. And any level of CO2 below 2,000ppm is a starvation level low. Because recycling more CO2 back to the environment, as using fossil fuels does, makes the environment greener and food production greater. And during interglacial phases like our current Holocene, temperatures naturally rise and fall four degrees C in nine hundred year cycles. Dr. Judith Curry calls them “Eddy” cycles. Our current iteration has had us warming since the 1600s. When you could ice skate on the Thames. Naturally. Warmer with more CO2 is always better. Long past time Fakebook learned the facts.
Biden fill his cabinet full of the worst people around Liberal,Democrats Socialists and Censors trying to stifle the truth about this whole Global Warming/Climate Change Scam