President Joe Biden has created a new “special diplomat” position to represent…plants and animals.
“For the first time, the United States is designating a special diplomat to advocate for global biodiversity amid what policymakers here and overseas increasingly recognize as an extinction crisis,” The Washington Post reports.
“Monica Medina is taking on a new role as special envoy for biodiversity and water resources, the State Department announced Wednesday. She currently serves as the department’s assistant secretary for oceans and international environmental and scientific affairs.”
What the paper left out is the connection Medina has to White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain.
Given extensive federal government resources already dedicated to the issue, not to mention the countless non-profit and private sector groups doing work in the field, the new position is completely unnecessary.
Why on Earth would such a diplomatic position be created? We already have wildlife/conservation agencies.
— Gabriella Hoffman (@Gabby_Hoffman) September 29, 2022
Read more at Townhall
Does retard Joey like smelling her hairs?
Step aside, pretenders. This is the most corrupt administration in American history.
Brought to you by the doddering old fool that depends on the squad for his climate fear and ignorance. “The world is going to end in twelve years”. They’ve been telling you that for thirty years. All they’ve accomplished is more than a doubling of the cost of energy and food and driven inflation to multiples of what they were under Trump. Pay attention voters. You get the government you deserve.
We need several consecutive election sweeps to banish the idiots.
They’re like weeds. Bad ideas and weed seeds survive for years.