(h/t @tan123) In 2005, Professor Tim Flannery predicted that climate change would result in weather shifts and rainfall declines being permanent in nature with worst case scenarios seeing Sydney facing extreme water supply difficulties. The Warragamba catchment and dam is specifically mentioned.
Professor Tim Flannery was named Australian of the Year in 2007 because of his climate alarmism and then went on to be named the Chief Commissioner of the Climate Commission, a Federal Government body providing information on climate change to the Australian public.
Luckily this organisation was disbanded by the conservative government in 2013, however, Professor Flannery sought crowd funding for a “Climate Council” ensuring his own pay packet was secured with over $2 million in donations for 13/14.
On 3 March 2012, just 7 years after his fallacious claims, the Warrangamba Dam had filled and overflowed.
And again today, just 10 years after the original claims, the Warragamba Dam has filled and overflowed again.