Former Vice President Al Gore can’t remember a time when our democracy was more directly threatened than today under President Trump. He shared his concerns with CNN’s Van Jones over the weekend.
With a serious tone and a furrowed brow, Gore recalled the era when President Richard Nixon was “authorizing burglaries, break-ins, and fire bombings,” and still America’s resilience proved victorious. With that hopeful history, he thinks we can do it again in the Trump era when the Constitution is “under assault.”
“I would bet on American democracy surviving this bleak period, for sure, but the challenge is stiffer than any we’ve faced in my lifetime,” Gore said.
Ari Fleischer, who served as President George W. Bush’s press secretary from 2001 to 2003, told Gore to reevaluate the phrase “bleak period,” it’s time to move on.
This fool’s lifetime included the Soviet threat; McCarthyism; Kennedy’s assassination; 1968 with more assassinations, cities burned, and a police riot at the Dem. convention; Kent state; and Watergate.
Your candidate lost an election.
Get over it.
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) April 8, 2018
Gore perhaps thought that one way to get the country back on track (if Trump himself can’t be removed) is for the president to fire EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, who has been fielding several ethics scandals.
Reports suggest he has taken advantage of taxpayers with his travel expenses, and that he enjoyed a cushy deal on a Capitol Hill condo last year.
“I will tell you that I would be very surprised if 90 percent of the American people looking at that situation did not think that there was the appearance of outright corruption there,” Gore said.
Gore, a prominent environmentalist, is perhaps also dismayed by Pruitt’s role in getting the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement, considering he’s committed to fighting for the accord’s principles.
Still, Fleischer would argue, we’ve been in worse predicaments.
Read more at Townhall
The California branch of the Club of Rome are coming out of hibernation and launching their spring campaign . Get Trump .
Now they have split their forces . AL got the Get Pruitt straw while Steyer is on the impeach Trump file .
You know the country is screwed when Faceplant bans Diamond and Silk . Lets get this right Faceplant sells users personal information like a product and then gets to pick only the products they want that share their left wing fascist ideology .
Now we know who is ” unsafe to the community ” .
So Al Bore said the Constitution is Under Assault and him and his Democratic party are the ones assaulting it along with the lap-dog press and talking heads
What they need to get over is Al Gore. He needs to be defunded, discredited, and disregarded. He is the largest charlatan and snake-oil salesman the world has ever have had to endure.
Al Gore said the “Constitution is under assault.” It is very clear that one of the worst assaults on the Constitution was Obama’s use of over reaching executive orders.
That’s rich. Leftists like Al Gore view the Constitution not as a set of guardrails to prevent tyranny and abuse, instead he sees the Constitution as merely an “Inconvenient Speed Bump” to be driven over at will. So there you have it Al… I’ve provided the title for your next book surely to be awarded another worthless prize.
Al Bore,Leonardo DiCaprio,Laurie David,Bill Nye,Barack Obama all about the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior II and stranded in the ice in the Arctic
No surprise that the perpetrator of the biggest fraud in history can only see corruption on the right side of the political aisle. Al Gore is much worse than a simple fool.
Gore and Van Jones = zero credibility .
Yes Scott Pruitt is a threat to the global warming industry con game .
A $ billion dollar in savings and eco -anarchists on the run looks good .
Gore always hides behind reports that “suggest “.. like failed climate model projections of impending doom and the ice free Arctic .
Keep going Mr . Pruitt you are obviously doing an incredible job .
I did not know Al Gore flies economy . Or if you were the only person on a jet what would that be called ? Let’s see Al Gore’s air miles and his energy bill … (carbon neutered of course ) .
A few years ago the California Coastal Comission(CCC)tried to prevent a couple from building a home on their beachfront property the Pacific Legal Foundation(PLF)took the CCC to court
Rakooi, caught you trolling more propaganda again, didn’t I!! Go get a life……
Why would you buy a multi million dollar mansion in CA on the beach if you really believed in sea level rising due to global warming?
Rakooi is like Al Bore a Gore is a Con Man and scam artists just like the NRDC and EDF and the rest of the Eco-Wackos with sawdust for brains
You are a LIAR.