Schneefan (Snow Fan) at German skeptic site here recently posted an overview of Arctic sea ice. This summer, Arctic sea ice has refused to obey all the claims of melting.
Source: DMI plot sea ice cover.
Sea ice increase accelerating
The above chart shows August mean Arctic sea ice area in million square meters from 1979 to 2018 (red curve). There’s been a positive linear trend since 2007.
Moreover, the upward linear trend has even sharpened since 2012 (green lines) since Al Gore and Peter Wadhams made their absurd projections there would be an ice-free Arctic by now.
Kirye at KiryeNet here shows that current Arctic sea ice volume for mid-September remains at the center of the pack, and thus no sign of short-term dwindling Arctic sea ice:
Chart: KiryeNet
The Northwest Passage this year as well was continuously blocked by ice and thus impassable for the entire year.
Yacht ignored warnings, got crushed
But some refused to believe the ice was not melting. For example, German Yacht Online here reported how a crew on the yacht “Anahita” had ignored warnings of the Canadian Coast Guard and tried to cross the Passage.
By late August the yacht ended up getting crushed by sea ice and sank within minutes. The 2-man crew was forced to escape on the ice by foot and were later airlifted to safety by helicopter.
According to Yacht online: “The ‘Anahita’ was one of a dozen other yachts on the way from the east to the west through the Northwest Passage. However, this summer the sea ice in the Arctic remained tenacious.”
Ship of Fools II
Also, a group of publicity seeking climate activists on Russian icebreaker/expedition ship ‘Akademik Ioffe’ was forced to move their starting point about 1000 km to the south to Kugaaruk.
Just hours after starting on August 24, 2018, the vessel “ran aground on an uncharted shoal” and all passengers had to be rescued.
The trip was supposed to focus the world’s attention on global warming and “disappearing” Arctic sea ice.
However, the expedition ended up being an embarrassment and ironically showed the opposite: the Arctic still had quite some ways to go before becoming ice-free.
The conditions the Northwest Passage Project crew were hoping for, but never became the case. Icebreaker/expedition ship Akademik Ioffe. Photo: The Northwest Passage Project
All passengers on the Akademik Ioffe were safely transferred to shore and returned home, the site informs.
“Uncharted geologic feature”
According to the website, the expedition was abandoned because the Akademik Ioffe needed repair after it had run aground and been refloated.
The expedition itself insisted the mission was not curtailed due to ice conditions and instead blamed “an uncharted geologic feature.”
But why would a ship need to enter an uncharted area? Maybe because the ice was blocking the usual route?
Today “Akademik Ioffe” is back on the way to Les Mechins, Quebec from Kugaaruk and the expedition is postponed to summer 2019.
Chart: Marine Tracker.
Read more at No Tricks Zone
Yes Dave I can see it now . Gore Hot Air Tours .
Let’s encourage more lofty theoretical global alarmist to take those Northwest Passage tours.
Good idea.
Maybe then they will be quiet about the Arctic ice melt nonsense.
And that stupid liberal comic strip ARCTIC CIRCLE trying to convence us penguins and polar bears live in the same place and the ice is melting away which proves you cant beleive anything the New York Pravda prints