Green New Deal advocate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) told reporters on Capitol Hill on Wednesday that any considerable climate change program must come with a minimum $10 trillion price tag to have a real “shot.”
“I think we really need to get to $10 trillion to have a shot,” she told the Hill.
Ocasio-Cortez acknowledged that it is a “ton” of money and attributed the monster of a price tag to the severity of the issue.
“I know it’s a ton,” she said. “I don’t think anyone wants to spend that amount of money, it’s not a fun number to say, I’m not excited to say we need to spend $10 trillion on climate, but … it’s just the fact of the scenario.”
“It’s not popular, it’s not politically popular. People are going to call it unrealistic, and I just don’t think people understand how bad the problem is,” she added.
Her Green New Deal plan gives insight into what climate alarmists believe needs to be done to save the planet from imminent doom.
The Green New Deal removes all debate, asserting that “human activity is the dominant cause of observed climate change over the past century.” It poses climate change as a “direct threat” to national security and calls to eliminate “pollution and greenhouse gas emissions” and ultimately fossil fuels by 2030.
According to an analysis conducted by the conservative nonprofit American Action Forum (AAF), the ambitious plan could cost the U.S. up to $93 trillion in the next ten years alone. The bulk of that cost would come from implementing the plan’s big government economic agenda.
As Breitbart News reported:
AAF wrote that the Green New Deal figure includes between $8.3 trillion and $12.3 trillion to meet the climate activists’ plan to eliminate carbon emissions from the power and transportation sector, and $42.8 and $80.6 trillion for its economic agenda, which will provide jobs and health care for every American.
Recently, Ocasio-Cortez issued glowing praise to Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s (D) plan to combat climate change, calling it the “gold standard.” He’s calling for 100 percent renewable energy by 2035. Former Vice President Joe Biden’s (D) plan calls for $5 trillion in spending and aims to reach net-zero carbon by 2050.
Ocasio-Cortez believes his timeline is too long.
“Scientifically, anything that is less than helping us cut carbon emissions in half by 2030 is going to be too late,” she said.
Read more at Breitbart
Let’s do some math, something that Ocasio-Cortez probably can’t do. There are approximately 327 million people in the US. Her $10 trillion calculates to $30,581.04 per person. Now consider that there is an average of 2.5 persons per household, that means $76,452.6 for the average family. Also consider that the 327 million people include the homeless and those on very low incomes and the retired on fixed incomes. The average family would have to pay even more to makes up for these people. She is right that it is a “ton” of money, but wrong if she thinks it is feasible.
So let’s say they drain $10 trillion worth of capitalism’s blood. Would they be satisfied? No. They’d come back for the rest.
Scientifically AOC is an idiot bartender pretending to know something about science.
Trying to sell us their Snake Oil any thing from the Democrats is a scam and AOC joins with AL Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio,John Travolta and Laurie David as Snake Oil Salesmen
These people are totally batshit insane. There is no other way of putting it.