So much for sea level rises! Another beach has reappeared on Achill Island – only a few months since one was magically washed up by the sands.
The County Mayo island on the Wild Atlantic Way made international headlines back in May after the sea retreated to reveal the pristine sandy white Dooagh Beach that locals had not seen for 33 years.
Twelve television crews made the trip out to Ireland’s largest offshore island and an estimated 1.16 billion people read about the story online. Now, a similar phenomenon has happened at Ashleam Bay, where the Atlantic usually crashes against hard rocks and pebbles, but is now lapping up against soft, wet sand.
Local man Malcolm Cooney visits the cove every day and said, “Folklore says the sand comes in once every seven years, it has been roughly 12 years since it was last in.
“The last time the sand was in, it only lasted a year. And before that, the last time the sand was in was many, many years.
“I was a young child and it just created some great memories. And I was always bringing down my own children and they’ve never seen the sand. I’m looking forward to them having the same memories as I have grown up.”
Read more at Irish Central
Mann is a total Dweeb and a snake Oil Salesman selling his phonie products(Global Warming,World Goverment)to the gullibul
rakooi says:
November 21, 2017 at 4:17 pm
Selecting a local issue JUST SO YOU CAN APPEAR To be winning an argument is just Childish.
Global Warming is about Global Issues.
“Core samples, tide gauge readings, and, most recently, satellite measurements tell us that over the past century, the Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) has risen by 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters).
Take a wander down to Wilsons Prometory in Victoria and look south towards Tasmania across the 200ft deep Bass Strait, 8000 years ago you could walk there.
Like the way you use Michael Mann’s technique of marrying two separate methods of data collection to get the results you want.
In your calculationinto sea level rise did you account for Atlantic multidecadal oscillation?
I’ll bet you didn’t.
Sleazy M. Mann somehow pulled that one with a straight face.
Rakooi Its all about Politics and money you green ignoramus
Drew ski says that only the warmist alarmists can cherry-pick photo-op headlines.
Selecting a local issue JUST SO YOU CAN APPEAR To be winning an argument is just Childish.
Global Warming is about Global Issues.
“Core samples, tide gauge readings, and, most recently, satellite measurements tell us that over the past century, the Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) has risen by 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters).
Sea level rise of 4 to 8 inches over a hundred years is a slow natural process and nothing to be concerned about. That calculates to 0.4 or 0.8 inches a decade. The only reason for this is an issue is to try to justify the climate change movement.
Sea level rise has not accelerated and over the long term are stable.
So much for Global Warming/Climate Change and so much for Al Bore and his A Inconvent Truth/Inconvent Sequel and Leonardo DiCaprios The 11th Hour and Before the Flood Now who is the fool or should i say Fools