Former Vice President Al Gore told a Catholic priest that tackling man-made global warming is “not a political issue, it is a moral and spiritual issue” during a town hall event on CNN Tuesday night.
“I’m a Protestant, but I can tell you because of Pope Francis I really could become a Catholic,” Gore said in response to the priest’s question.
CNN hosted a “climate crisis” town hall with Gore on Tuesday night where people could ask him questions about global warming. Gore’s newest film “An Inconvenient Sequel” had its limited release Friday.
CNN promoted Gore’s town hall event by flooding the front page of its website with “grim” global warming coverage. The news network highlighted two studies that came to “a grim conclusion on climate,” finding global warming could bring on “extinctions and super droughts.”
“He is really an amazing spiritual leader, and one way to answer your question would be for people in all faith traditions to read Laudato Si, the from Pope Francis, which really addressed the question that you’re asking here,” Gore said.
Gore said he read Pope Francis’s encyclical on global warming with his daughter who runs the Center for Earth Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York City.
“I was taught in my church that the purpose of life is to glorify God, and if we are heaping contempt onto God’s creation then we’re not living up to the duty that God is calling us to,” Gore said.
“The way we live our lives is definitely connected to this. It’s not a political issue, it is a moral and spiritual issue,” he said.
Al Gore on priest’s question: Climate isn’t a political issue; “It is a moral and spiritual issue.” #algoretownhall
— CNN (@CNN) August 2, 2017
This isn’t the first time Gore has invoked religion when talking about global warming.
Gore told Interview magazine in June that “God intends for us to open our eyes and take responsibility for the moral consequences of our actions.” Gore said, “if we choose to use the thin shell of atmosphere surrounding our planet as an open sewer for 110-million tons of global-warming pollution every day, the consequences are attributable to us.”
Read more at Daily Caller
A moral and spiritual issue ? Well finally he is right . It sure fails the scientific method test . So Green Church why not . Send money NOW .
Na, he isn’t right on that either!!!! That ass hat is just playing every angle!!! Like they all do!!!! Bwaaahahahaha!
Amber has a good point. Perhaps we should embrace the climate change/Green movement as the RELIGION they seek to emulate. Popes or other church leaders can make proclamations such as a flat earth all day long, but this does not make it so, and for good reason we should not turn to them for scientific information.
The real beauty of real science is that it stands on its own. I “believe”, but cannot prove that science was created by God as a constant, like time itself. Any talk of ethics or faith involving action on man-made climate change is predicated on the science FIRST being accurate to the constants of real science.
Laws of science do not bend for humans or their religion. Beware anyone who claims to divine the will of God on your behalf.
I’m tired of the daily reminders of his existence
How ironic is it that the same people who for years sported bumper stickers saying “The Moral Majority in Neither” and “Keep your Religion Out Of My Business” are now religiously infatuated with Climate Change? NOW these people can’t wait to impose THEIR morality on the rest of us. The same folks who thought it was clever to mock Christianity with Calvin pi**ing on a fish symbol are now themselves so morally and religiously pious…
My, how the worm has turned.
Reverend Al’s Travelling Snake Oil Emporium and Freak Show makes Jimmy Swaggert and Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker look mainstream. Using the name of God to perpetuate fraud is nothing new. Al Gore just takes it to a new level.
The purpose of life is to glorify God, but he’s making man out to be God when he teaches that man controls the climate with CO2 emissions.
Gore is one of those who gives Christianity a black eye.
CAGW alarmists help starve (on average) 21,000 innocent humans to death each and every day. They are responsible for more deaths than Hitler, Mao, and Stalin combined.
Go to Hell Al, they are eagerly awaiting your arrival.
I assumed your values are correct and applied a random time period of ten years. Hitler murdered 12 million in the concentration camps. The number might be a lot higher but I’ll use that. Stalin murdered 25 million. Mao 35 million. Yes, 21,000 a day over 10 years is more than these three combined.
David, I start the genocide at 1988, when Hansen and Tim Wirth sabotaged the air conditioning the night before Hansen’s BS testimony…
Sen. TIMOTHY WIRTH (D-CO), 1987-1993: We knew there was this scientist at NASA, you know, who had really identified the human impact before anybody else had done so and was very certain about it. So we called him up and asked him if he would testify.
DEBORAH AMOS: On Capitol Hill, Sen. Timothy Wirth was one of the few politicians already concerned about global warming, and he was not above using a little stagecraft for Hansen’s testimony.
TIMOTHY WIRTH: We called the Weather Bureau and found out what historically was the hottest day of the summer. Well, it was June 6th or June 9th or whatever it was. So we scheduled the hearing that day, and bingo, it was the hottest day on record in Washington, or close to it.
DEBORAH AMOS: [on camera] Did you also alter the temperature in the hearing room that day?
TIMOTHY WIRTH: What we did is that we went in the night before and opened all the windows, I will admit, right, so that the air conditioning wasn’t working inside the room. And so when the- when the hearing occurred, there was not only bliss, which is television cameras and double figures, but it was really hot.[Shot of witnesses at hearing]
WIRTH: Dr. Hansen, if you’d start us off, we’d appreciate it. The wonderful Jim Hansen was wiping his brow at the table at the hearing, at the witness table, and giving this remarkable testimony.[nice shot of a sweaty Hansen]
So by them knowing their own info and pretty much these are the same people promoting the Montreal protocol, they knowingly overloaded and created a CFC discharge by doing what they did!!!
But we know that happened before the Montreal Protocol, so it doesn’t matter legally, but they knew before it was that way and still did it! And that my friends are what liberals will do for their bottom line!!!!
Gore is as delerious as he is rediculous he has become a total fanatic out preaching his mindless blabbering and babblings he needs a padded cell and a streight jacket