Former Vice President Al Gore compared the fight to end man-made global warming to the abolishment of slavery and the push for gay marriage.
“The abolition of slavery, woman’s suffrage … and more recently the gay rights movement,” Gore said Thursday about the importance of staying ahead of the curve on environmental issues.
The mission to reduce the Earth’s temperature is on par with other “great moral causes” that have improved humanity, he told an audience at the EcoCity World Summit in Australia.
Gore has made similar comments in the past. He told reporters in 2013 that so-called climate change “deniers” are like alcoholic fathers who act belligerently when someone mentions the issue.
“It’s like a family with an alcoholic father who flies into a rage every time a subject is mentioned and so everybody avoids the elephant in the room to keep the peace,” he said at the time. The former vice president is in Australia promoting “An Inconvenient Sequel,” the follow up to Gore’s 2006 “An Inconvenient Truth.”
Gore’s first film contains several lofty claims about the dire consequences of not addressing climate change.
“Unless we take drastic measures the world would reach a point of no return within 10 years,” which Gore said in the film would precipitate a “true planetary crisis” due to man-made global warming.
The film is frequently credited with popularizing the global warming debate. It emboldened environmentalists and perhaps laid the groundwork for the Obama administration’s failed effort to pass cap-and-trade legislation in 2009.
Read more at Daily Caller
Hmmmm… Looks like Al’s hate speech is somehow protected by the leftstream media.
The folks who drive their Subarus around sporting TOLERANCE, DIVERSITY, and COEXIST bumper stickers are quick to look away when their own idol spouts this vile stuff. You’d think they’d set the bar a little higher for themselves if they really believe in those principles.
Rakooi is a blow-hard and windbag who keeps themself warm all winter with their own Hot Air
Does anyone have a straitjacket handy?
WHEN one is debating against the HUMAN BLOW-HARD, TRUMP and TRUMPANEESTAS.
…One finally has to raise one’s voice to be heard.
220 years of solid debate, questioning, experimentation, observation, challenges, competing theories, more questions, more experiment and observation.
and well over a million scientists/researchers
being RIDICULED by SKEPTICS & DENIERS with next to NO new scientific research.
..just ideologically based opinions and a WILLINGNESS TO DEMONIZE AND NAME CALLING !…and the money to finance over 1000 web sites to spread that disinformation and ridicule….and the money to finance over 5000 blogs to spread and exaggerate that disinformation and ridicule.
BUT who stands to gain….in a classic case of the Pot calling the Pan black…..
TRILLIONS in PROFITS, Coal & Oil monopolies do the financing…all the while CLAIMING SCIENTISTS ARE GETTING RICH……
The AVERAGE RESEARCH SCIENTIST is still earning about the same as a 1st YEAR ELEMENTAR SCHOOL TEACHER…..even though that scientist has 5 years of experience and nearly 2 advanced degrees.
So, who is getting rich?
You keep repeating that many scientists have 2 advanced degrees and are underpaid. Maybe they have student loans they can’t seem to pay off. They’re ripe for the picking. Join the concensus and they get to keep their heads above water.
You keep going on about all this 220 years of solid debate, questioning, experimentation, observation, challenges, competing theories, more questions, more experiment and observation.
We are still waiting for your links to these mythical correct and validated Model Predictions. While we wait, here’s how ol Al knows so much about the “campaign to end slavery” that his own daddy voted against?
” Not only did he vote against it, he participated in a 74 day filibuster in an attempt to delay and weaken the legislation.
You’d think that if your dad was a racist within the Democrat Party, who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, you might NOT want to bring up the topic of racism, civil rights or Bull Connor….evah! Just sayin’.”
“So, who is getting rich?
BILLIONAIRES or SCIENTISTS?” Likely one of the dumbest questions evah! Of course Billionaires are already “rich”. So how about those cLIEmate UNscientists? Seems the BILLIONS are flowing towards them too.
“Joanne Nova has documented the massive amount of money pouring from government into the pockets of individuals and groups associated with the environment. “The U.S. government has provided over $79 billion since 1989 on policies related to climate change, including science and technology research, foreign aid, and tax breaks.” $79 billion.
Let’s see… If we don’t accept his scientifically dubious, ever changing, taxpayer mega-funded, failed premise we are then considered as bad as:
Slavery sympathizers
Gay haters
Woman haters
Belligerent and abusive alcoholic fathers
Fat Albert is desperate and clearly off his meds…
Perhaps some women, gays, people of color, and fathers should chime in. Did you appoint Al to speak for you? How does he get away with this. Not a peep from the PC hyper-sensitive leftstream media…
Gore comes from a former slave state(Tennesee)and belongs to the party that founded the KKK(Demacrats)and now he is babbling mindless babble to the same fools who like his idiotic poem
Al shouldn’t use euphemisms like “elephant in the room” .
Seems to me his following is shrinking, so he cranks up the hyperbole bull horn. It fits the very definition of ” the ugly American” .Environmentalists used to be soft spoken and passive, but they walked the walk.
Al Gore need to see a shrink..
He is either incredibly stupid or a liar.
Man is NOT causing global warming by releasing CO2 into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.
Where is the proof?
Empirical proof not theories; computer models; or tampered temperature data.